:gnthb:i am now doing another area in garden, and dont know what to look for, would like something that flowers nicely in summer, so looks good,...
well this cat is getting on my nerves, if it continues i will soak it, not just throw water at it and if that doesnt stop it i am either going to...
its almost done, he has re built the steps and finished wall and laid over half of the slabs so job will be done for tuesday, its looking nice :)
god i didnt invite the hedgehog now i have to sort it certain foods lol :lollol:my cats dont like gravy catfood, i only put water outside and the...
i hope so, just the same as last lot i put on and it leaked so i hope this job dont :(
here are those seeds/weeds now? even more of them now :O [img] [img]
re felted the roof and used 1/2 inch clout nails with about a overlap of 30 cm, if it leaks after this i will burn it down :) [img] [img]
lol my cat was after a dog when it was in my garden, it was just a smaller dog but fatty used to be a farm cat before i adopted her so she doesnt...
outside, it was in the outside toilet inside the wrapped up swimming pool, we didnt think much to it, we just kept away from it, but more now this...
i have stopped putting out slug pellets as dont want to harm it, but will it bother going for the slugs seeing as it has food on tap every evening.
we found one of those false ones a few weeks ago, wasnt 100% sure whether it was false but when looked on the internet about it, it pointed more...
just got it the once with water :gnthb:
i wouldnt really kick it, but if it tries to come in my house to wee again i will not be happy, luckily i keep my doors closed most of the time so...
I have 3 cats, 1 boy, 2 girls, and one cat of mine called Fatty always chases cats off our garden but there is this cat that is going to get a...
its private rent, and he calls himself Rigsby lol i have to say he is the most skingy landlord, wont pay for nothing to be done unless forced or i...
it was 450 which is still good but i got him down to 300 by sayin he doesnt need the workmate for my job and that i will help him instead, :gnthb:...
god no lol i have a builder doing it, but have got a bargain price 300 quid for the lot, he has got the bricks etc in the price, just is using...
:gnthb:maybe its pregnant or maybe its just fat :) it seems generally larger than any other hedgehog i have seen and has so much food on tap i...
can anyone advise on these two plants on whether they are dead and i should dig up and bin or what to do? [img] [img] also something is...
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