Another day off plants....Popped over to the garden center for Fiber pots for my sweet peas... And decided to take a chance..They had...
YesterdayFirst job check my unheated propagators, a few seedlings through not too bad, I did these a week ago.Then stocked up my new heated...
JamieI take it that a trampoline = children in the household...Perhaps it might be better if the children are young to hold off the fishpond...
Spent yesterday afternoon out on the allotment, 4 hours of digging eek, today went to the garden center to get some more seed compost, then round...
I went out the allotment today, spent about 4 hours digging out another bed..... So slowly getting thereTwo chaps turned up to work on there...
I've fallen in love, I so must have some habenaria radiate for my chill out corner.... off to order
My rhubarb on my allotment is doing well, last week it was about 3-4 inch's high, haven't a clue what variety it is, as inherited it when I took...
My spud bed is ready to go, but alas due to unwell car, didn't manage to get out on Monday, so work for 4 days starting at the weekend, so praying...
Haven't managed to get out the allotment today, it took all morning to arrange a flat bed tow truck to get me and landie to the garage (4x4's have...
Due to my landie's collar coming off on the drive/prop shaft, meant I couldn't get into work, I had a day off..So after a long morning sulking...
JWK, I turned the grass under on the right hand front bed, but on the left hand bed, it's mainly clover and another ground covering weed. it...
Traditionally gooseberries are a rather tart fruit (one I don't like) and needs a lot of sugar to sweeten them..But I'm sure that I've seen new...
I had hoped to be further along with my allotment than I am, but alas between, days of raining, a badly bruised finger and Norvo Virus I hadn't...
looking good Sarah...Sadly the only goodies for me left from previous owner, is compost bins, but they've chucked goodness knows what, so at...
I got my allotment on the 1st of January this year.Knowledge of growing vegetables Zilch (apart from Tomatoes)I've met a couple of the other...
So wish I could find a decent second hand petrol one :sick0026:I'm seriously running out of time to get my allotment dug, did think about hiring...
Zigs I'm not that far away from YeovilMy daff by the front door aren't flowering yet, but they are up and getting there... Haven't seen any...
looking good, I've managed to get out on my allotment once since I taken it over on New Years day, dug up some spuds, carrots, parsnips and 1 leek...
Two things effect animals hibernationFirst weather if it's room they won't hibernate Second, weight could stop them from hibernating, I think...
Never used ash on the garden,But always saved a bin full of the stuff to put down on the garden paths during icy/snowy weather worked a treat..
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