I have ordered the cerasifera 'spring glow' as it is nicely advanced at 6-8 ft. It is a purple leaved variety, and I do intend to clip it and keep...
I have ordered the cerasifera 'spring glow' as it is nicely advanced over the ones I already have. It is a purple leaved variety, and I do intend...
That's just about perfect.One more sneaky question..?! How close would you plant this to a house? Chalk ground.I'd intend to trim it from...
Thanks Dai.Do you have any idea what kind of height I could expect, if I left the height untouched?Just wondering if I'd need to maintain the...
Hi everyoneI got three cherry plums bare root this spring. I snipped the main stems to stop it forming a trunk. They are all very healthy....
To be honest, I've got a whole fuchsia bed at the side of my house... but I'm so impatient!The ones at the side we've built up over last year...
Thanks ruralgardener, I will bear that in mind about winter structure and wildlife.Another thing I've discovered is where I have big gaps of...
My goodness.... What brilliant advice in the above posts.Thank you SO much!
My garden is now in its third year, some of the beds are new this year. You know how it is, it's constantly evolving and developing.Last year...
Well, I've planted it out in a sunny spot, with shade from about 3pm.I was quite surprised to see that the roots had reached the edge of it's...
Ooh... That's interesting. I wasn't sure what colour the berries would be as they are still greeny, but if you think they look like they'll be...
Thank you Bilbo.I don't know about berries. I got it st a garden show last June, and it didn't flower last year so I have no clue!I wish I...
Can anyone give me any ideas as to what type of rowan this is?It has white flowers in spring and when I bought it the nursery man told me it...
Oh dear I feel a bit sad reading this thread!!It's very interesting to ponder about the subject, but I think maybe it's a non-starter.I...
We have a kind of vertical terraced bit in our garden which is uncovered.When we moved in two and a half years ago we dug back from the house...
Thank you ladies. Really helpful advice.I think I'm going to leave the arch for one more year to enable me to get a good coverage of Rose...
Just wondering...How many plants is too many for a garden arch?I've got one of the very basic metal ones, and have one rose and one clematis...
That's brilliant John. Great thread!!!
Love that bath Alana. I'm looking for one for my husband to make inti a sand bed for his alpines. I haven't a clue where to look!
Thank you everyone.He is still adamant that he's right. He says everyone he knows does it and he gets courgettes no trouble. Most odd.So glad...
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