Cheers Hel,will Start the SPs off on window-sill this November:)
The yearly Barn
Welcome to G.c JamN,make yourself at home:thumb::):thumb:
And for the main:D:D:D:D:D:D [img]
I would have this as my runner Round............A 2 B Touch A starter [The main yet to come] [img]
Thats a nasty Nick i hope you have learned your lesson:)
Pal you is a Legend,..............................I thank You[u] Cheers Nick
Banana Skin
Excellent.......................Pal when you say mature what do you mean[size]? And where do i store the pods or do i open them up to extract the...
Fruit Stone..............
Whats the problem????
What lovely pets Katherna,I love the pic of Katie She looks a very loving Dog.
Have been neglecting the garden of late and while catching up with Garden duty noticed i have pods on my sweet peas. My question is what do i do...
You Congratulations Little miss Road-rage:thumb:
Tell me about it Borrowers........................The actual questions are out of my control I,m afraid:D
Sorry to hear that mike m8, My thoughts are with you and your family. Rest in Peace Joyce Slinky:(
Top Draw again Dan,Gotta say it....................You are a machine m8:D
Methane Gas comming
to grow ,With
Separate names with a comma.