You could use a mouli-legume too, and if you cook the passata first you can preserve by bottling the passata (in jars).The four tomatoes off my...
I've always loved roses. I'm a bit concerned what I may be getting in too!
I think there is a school of thought that says increasing bio-diversity and creating areas of land that are not 'cultivated' is very valuable in...
I was interested in that your first post lists what you have...the question now is what you want to do. What ways can you spend your time that you...
Haha, I'm trying to convince someone! I've found some random nails in the borders, maybe that's it ;)
That driver had skillz. And I'm trying to resist a 'in soviet Russia' gag. But there's something about how calm the guy and the rest of them are....
Maybe my soil isn't so clay ish...the blooms started out white and became bluer? Only thing I added was slug pellets :)
? Well the soil round here is clay-ish. There were three hydrangeas here when I moved in and they are the most successful thing in my garden!...
I think you have to be really quite accurate with the measuring, especially the liquid. It's all about the ratios being right. And making sure the...
Yes taking the stems back was the approach I took last year and seemed to work well. They just seem to be such thin stems for such big blooms, so...
I'm not sure I boyfriend still curses the day I showed him the 'pizza dough' cycle on the bread maker. For a man who doesn't really...
I have three white hydrangeas (tinged with blue, I think because of slug pellets ;) ) that are completely weighted down by blooms this year (and I...
I have a Panasonic bread maker, bought for me 8 years ago and I still use it at least weekly. They are fantastic. The model I have is very easy to...
Thanks for all your help everyone. Now I just have to settle on the rose. I prefer the look of the blooms and the scent on tea roses, but would...
The thought did occur to me.. Think that's what I'll do.
Decisions decisions! Another option...
the reason I expressed caution is the original poster said he lived alone, worked long hours and was often away at weekends. And that the garden...
Good tip about the turf, thanks! The lawn gets more sun than some of the borders so that should be ok.
Just a cheeky bump, wondering if anyone has any advice!
Can i hijack? Was just wondering...if I wanted to take some iris from my parents garden, would now be a good time to do it ... Just like...
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