I have several Toms growing in small buckets. They look healthy and are producing trusses but yesterday I noticed that 2 or 3 have some new...
We have lots of water butts which are greatly needed as quite a few of our crops are in pots but the water sometimes gets smelly (due to lack of...
My plan next year is to castrate!! half my plants in this way, and take an early crop off the other half. Depends how many Cucumbers you have,...
I,m growing cucs for the first time. They're indoor variety and about 2ft high. They look healthy and are starting to fruit but I am unsure how...
I have two plants so I could try both methods and let you know Freddy. By the way my parsnips are growing a treat Freddy. A little concerned...
Can someone please tell me what I fees cucmbers with, could I use tomatorite and how often please.Regards Sheelagh :scratch:
Thanks John,I spent ages looking for it myself and gave up (I have too much to do IN the garden). Will copy the set up shown today.Thanks...
My indoor cucs are about 8" high and I think they are ready for their final potting on. I wanted to 'double pot' as Dave had done but can't...
Hi AliceYes, I too have put some mixed salad type stuff in some pots and its growing nicely. The other lettuce is cos and thanks to advice...
I've grown parsnips for the first time this year, used loo rolls and followed clear instructions from Freddy and now have a row of very healthy...
Hi GreenjeansThanks, I'll put them outside in a min. Would you reccommend a partially shaded position then?Sheelagh
I'm growing lettuce for the first time (cos) and due to the new veg plot already being full I'm growing them in pots. Started off in my plastic...
Thank you all for your help. I have quite a few plants so I think I'll keep them shortish in the hope of harvesting a good crop several times, if...
:help: I'm confused (no change there then!). Lots of you are talking about your tomatoes reaching the green house roof but I had read somewhere...
Am just about to head out into a very grey morning to do my Toms but you've put a smile on my face Kirsten. Maybe if the rest of my crops go...
Thanks for all your advice will go and do some deep potting on right now.Regards Sheelagh :gnthb:
Good morning lolipop!Thanks for prompt reply, I'll give it a whirl.Sheelagh :luv:
I am growing leeks for the first time this year. They are in a deep tray and at least 4" long but incredibly thin (looks like grass - hope I used...
Hi KirstenI was about to ask about potting on my Toms when I spotted your advice to Big Bird and all the info I needed was there. One...
Thank you Kirsten, will pot on today in 9cm pots via your instructions. I looked at the packet and it does say 'greenhouse' dh! I chose this...
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