I'm contemplating one of the available Isleworth allotments. I think I'll head down to them this weekend to talk to some of the people there.I...
I've just sent that to Mr Juliasaurus as a warning... ;)
Thanks Shiney - I think I must have looked like that "eek" smiley when Mr Juliasaurus showed his handiwork to me! Let's hope it recovers - it's...
He's going to wonder where all these customers suddenly came from John! It's probably just as well we don't go to garden centres together - we'd...
Oh that's good, John. I'm still smarting from an unresolved eBay issue with another seller, so there was a little trepidation, but Jan really has...
Ellie - I'm glad someone else just has too! I have just bought a Rose of Jericho and a Chilean Wine Palm from Minor Garden on eBay. My husband...
Morning early birds! Lovely day here - wish I didn't have to be in work all day. Can't wait for the clocks to go forward so I have more daylight...
All my plants are in pots John - will probably be 10 years before I have a garden I can plant stuff out into! I've got a Dioon, Encephalartos,...
Thank you John - I did take a photo of them on my digital camera last night before starting to soak them, so I'll try to get it uploaded tonight...
That looks lovely Woo! And looks like you have a little bit of sunshine to enjoy it. :D
It's almost as though my worrying about them plus a cold snap makes them put on a spurt Borrowers!I'm trying to get a few more unusual plants -...
[img]This is my Camellia x williamsii. It looks healthy enough but the flower buds have not changed or developed in any way since I bought it...
Isn't it though?! :eek: This is why I'm not letting the Isleworth Slasher anywhere near my plants! [img]Yours look lovely - very well...
So I spent the whole holiday weekend wondering if I should have fleeced everything up or brought the more delicate members of Jurassic Park...
My husband has an excellent track record of killing bonsai trees (he's hacked the most recent one to death and I'm not sure there is any means of...
I've just received the "Ursula's Red" ferns I ordered back in February from T&M, although to be fair they said they'd be dispatched in March. I...
We always figured if Teddy ate it again there wasn't anything wrong with him and he'd just bolted it down or got over-excited. If he walked away...
He was so horrible about the Protea! The national flower of South Africa, in the national botanical garden, with one of the top botanists in the...
Walnut - what an amazing collection of fossils! I'm really excited to see your Lepidodendron. I shall have to see if I can get some nice photos...
Exactly the same thing happened with our corgi Teddy last week as with John's collie. We had to have him put to sleep. It's devastating to lose...
Separate names with a comma.