My sweet peas says to sow in March :scratch:
Where did you find the baskets for a pound I can't find any cheap ones but need some that size for my sweet chilli plant
Can wait get my exotic delivery today around 2-3pm :yes::hapfeet:
What a view woo where are the photos taken
Mine were from tesco on a demo like you said rude not get some
And I found a video that shows someone actually cutting into random things ( not me by the way)Please note some mild expletives are used[MEDIA]
Oh and I just remembered many years ago I invested in the worlds sharpest knife with a lifetime guarntee...
Well since you brought out your secret about using wife casserole dish where I'm a mechanic by trade and when I fixed my own cars whe I put bits...
I think this is going to be the Burning question on everyone's mindBoom boom sorry for the pun!:snork:
I done some More on my deck while the weather held up progress is nearly finished the joist and floor support [ATTACH]
Pete I took your advise and should have a trachycarpus fortunei delivered in next day or so
Fantastic picture woo :dbgrtmb: Unfortunately im never really up to see the sunrise as i am asleep lol :snooze:but have seen my fair share when I...
I just brought Lilium 'miss lily' Lilium 'Robert swanson' Dichelostemma Ida-Maia And got trachycarpus fortunei free tropical BritainAnd bird...
My garden is North facing however in summer my whole garden is sunny all day but winter times I'm lucky to see a little at the back of my garden
Yeah the ducks loved it, Im planning keeping above the ground as the novelty of the boat and will put pond plants in and grow grass longer around...
Got some seeds for birds of paradise plant today so will sow that today and watch the slow process of it growing
Ok got some plants from wikihow and I had a mooch around my garden to see what I could use for a bucket pond and come across an old boat thing...
I might pop to garden centre on way back from asda today any plant recommendations :dbgrtmb:
The bat flower is definitely a marmite flower and I kinda like it
Wow I'll have a look at that thread being a lake fisherman I love dragonflies such a beautiful creature
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