I called into my opticians as the nose pad had come off, kind lady said she will replace both and suggested I could pop in to have it done every 6...
Religion and greed have caused more wars than anything else in this world,
If grass is left too long between cuts and is taller only the top half is dryish, the bottom retains the damp and dew longer as it is protected...
Well done that person
Well time to reveal I think [ATTACH] Yes a Venus fly trap
Nope not even near
I’ve no idea as my sense of smell has gone with working in ammonia for so many years
We’ve been trying to ID a bird over the valley, it’s being dive bombed and harassed every day by jackdaws. It is a solitary bird with no others...
A warm welcome
Welcome to active minds for information
I have this in the house and never had one survive let alone flower, prize of a smile for whoever guesses what plant it is. [ATTACH]
I watched them building the nest a peculiar way of doing it I thought
It’s always sad when a good person goes too soon RIP.
Watching the owners of these protecting them from other birds[ATTACH] taken 2 days between [ATTACH] she’s spending all night and most of the...
I planted a tomato ( yes 1 ) sprouts runner beans and lettuce, all because the lady said so. I got my raised beds in the poly tunnel ready last...
I had the Astra jab and only thing I seemed to suffer was a complete loss of use of my upper arms for about 10 seconds on a fe occasion, all ll...
From school age it’s always been an uphill struggle, finally made to retirement age in almost one piece. At school I was always top in maths in...
My wife spent Saturday and Sunday with lots of people, some she knew but many she’s never seen before. probably 500 people, so it’s ok to work in...
Guess what came in the post last Tuesday, yes a willow what are the odds of that I’ll wait till it sprouts some better ID
Not a willow as we never had one
Separate names with a comma.