Awesome thanks everybody :) Yes i had borage a year or two ago I recall. It could well be that because the leaves are kinda furry which i recall...
just thought now a few weeks has passed it might be worth posting an update showing a more mature 'weed/plant'. Maybe a little easier to...
Thanks everybody :) Im going to let a couple grow. The others I've put weed killer on. we will see what they turn into :-) I had a big spot...
Possibly. I looked at some of the bigger leaves of foxgloves as well and though a slightly different shade of green they look similar. But...
Thanks everybody :) I have a local B&Q garden centre near me. maybe somebody will know.Here is a better pic for size comparison. Cant find a...
You may be right Loki. the leaves on the pics I'm looking at for mint however look a little too pointed at the tip compared to the ones i have...
Nice. Thanks Charlie. Ok i will do that. I think i know a good spot :)
Thanks Anthony. I was worried in case it was knotweed or something. Im amazed it lived through the composting process. Its growing about 3...
Got some compost from the community composting centre in Thornbury. Suddenly this weed under a cloche is growing like mad. Never seen it...
Awesome :)
Will the oatmeal hurt other wildlife like birds or hedgehogs if they eat it? Just curious...
Previous years I have used nematodes to control slugs but last year I don't think they really worked and I had to go back to using slug pellets...
Nice :) Where I am going to put it, the bed is surrounded by a brick barrier on 3 sides and a fence on the 4th so I'm hoping it will behave and...
Yeah i read that you shouldn't eat it but it does have good healing qualities. Very good for bruising. Ive used ointments based on comfrey...
Awesome thanks everybody :) Yes it was boking the plants have grown. I did hear you can kill it by placing a hot compost heap on top but given...
Hey Gardeners :)I have been reading up about comfrey and am currently growing a few plaints from root cuttings i bought online. Im a little...
(chuckle), well tomatoes are always nice to have :-) Thanks for that. I guess i was over worrying the issue :) Maybe i will take over a few...
Hmmm....that's interesting. Thanks Spruce :-) The compost bin I use is just under a metre squared and hardly gets filled through the seasons....
Hi All, Im not sure if this is the best section to post this in so apologies in advance if i am wrong but I wondered if anybody could give me...
yes would be nice if i could get gooseberries from them but unfortunately not :) I do have a gooseberry bush that is pretty much ready to crop...
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