Been very hot here in state's up at 104 yesterday going back up again today,we been stuck in hot, so hot i had to bring in mostly all my plant's...
He is on a diet till fall lol
heck ya it is a deal we have been up in temps like 104 lol sure you can handle it been so hot you can't stand to go out
Here is where I have some of my plants when it is hot out [img] [img] [img] [img] just want to show few Doll's [img] [img] [img] hope not...
If you seen my other pic before of dock,Well we redone it,I really like this dock now,maybe later put table out on it for sitting when it is cool....
Rosa i also love the horses it looked awesome very pretty you do great paintings seen ever one of them.Very nice indeed
I like this one Rosa it is so lovely, and love the colors on it Great Great job
nice pic they look like they are doing great
I really love the boat one Rosa and love the one that looks like hunk of grass with big white feather on top but all,was so very pretty thank you...
Boy now that was very pretty and a great pic so nice looking and the plants so pretty in color
ty my dog Miss Piggy I lost last year she was old and moved on to the great sky above I really miss her so ty for liking her pic
Lol ya the one is a Wanding Jew but the other I have up is my Hoya's.I have them all out in sun but the last 2 day's I brought them all in to ac...
so sorry to hear u have no luck with it Kedi some overs have trouble with the wandering jew plant too, It is so pretty purple I love the color of...
Those are very pretty flower and no weed's wish i had no weed's hate them but ur garden is Great looking Kathy very nice job
ya Rosa I love to travel too and Strongy what part of state you go to,hope you have a good time when you goand take lots of pic to share yea I...
yes I ahve some Indian doll and other too, yes the donkey is Amos and he is sweet as can be Rosa when u lived over here did u like it
Wild baby bunny [img] The Arch in Missouri [img] another of Arch [img] boat on river [img] [img] even the dog's get in lake [img]
Here are just some pic's I have taken some of the plants I have in living room [img] and our lake at sunset [img] and another sunset off the...
Here is a shot of my dog [img] [img] just like a kid likes to play in dirt lol [img]
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