I usually send a text. I have an App that automatically sends xmas and birthday greetings to everyone in my contacts. Hence I never forget. It's...
Cut down the the last of the conifers. It was the mother of all conifers with a 2 foot diameter trunk, I NEVER want to do that again! [ATTACH]
Well, this is what can happen if you smuggle weapons back over here... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/bradford/7272095.stm Also here is a...
Although not unsympathetic to Nightingales plight it was a reckless and stupid thing of him to do. He knew it was wrong and to compound it he had...
Yep, Our local Asda is selling at those prices :blue thumb:
Some interesting places mentioned! Sorry you weren't impressed with Lanzerote Clueless. We went there some years ago and really enjoyed it but...
Patagonia region of Argentina. That hotel is very expensive though!
Bad luck, bolt the next one down bud.
I'm following you too Zigs....get tweeting now.:biggrin:
If the trees don't block light or shade his garden too much I wouldn't worry.
I have a option on Skytalk that rejects witheld numbers which filters most cold calls and spam.
Only just put mine in lol!
Hutting in the Alps sounds interesting Mada. I've always wanted to go here myself. It doesn't look real but it is! [IMG]
It's getting to that time of year when most people think about next years hols. Has anyone booked yet or is it still in the 'can we afford it'...
Of course he is Sheal :snork:
Who is going to give more than a passing glance at the candidates? Ideal oppertunity for local barmpots to be significant.
Ah! I did similar but lifted mine into a big pot of ericaceous compost and feed lightly with miracle grow for acid loving plants. Leaves came back...
What did you do to make it more healthy Harry? Sometimes Azalea lose leaf and the wood looks dead. One of mine has recovered and looks fine now.
Sure has come on Scorpio! A bit like bamboo with flowers!
Lots and lots of flowers have been late this year, Mid-November and the garden mums have decided to flower a full 8 weeks later than last year....
Separate names with a comma.