It looks like Acer negundo or Box Elder.
If it is a Foxglove then it is biennial and you will probably have to collect the seeds to pass it on.I have never heard of a Foxglove tree...
Wow you can grow these in your garden? :eek: It is one of my favorite plants and never knew they grew so very slowly [img]
No not really. I just like all the information they have once you figure out which rose you have. I am almost always searching by name.
I guess you can't say s****e around here :confused: [img]Scale insects can be tough to control, you have to keep after them. Try and...
We have a few viruses and fungi that hit Clematis around here. Some types and cultivars seem more susceptible than others. I use a soil drench...
I like this Rose site:Help Me Find Roses
In my experience some Cherry Trees suffer a little transplant shock and grow a little sparse the first few years (not all, but some do). I say...
I have been to the Eden Project and loved it. I visited Cornwall in the off season and spent most of the day at Eden. I have to give it high marks...
Welcome :D Gardening is an adventure and I think the good gardeners learn to go with what is working and build on that. Optimism and...
I like watering for a few days before digging if it has been dry. Removing some of the top growth usually helps it stabilize from the loss of...
I use this: Dymo It is a bit cumbersome but I find the labels really last.
Most Sedges have triangular shaped stems that are solid. There are some species that are wonderful for the garden. That first plant looks...
I actually like the variegated version of this plant. It also spreads rapidly but not as bad as the species (it may in warmer climates). If I am...
Hi Walnut, I purposely shear off the new growth after the color fades, to keep it very low. So I really grow it for the foliage color and not the...
Some cultivars and certainly the species do benefit from removing the spent flowers. The seeds are persistent and look, um... seedy ;) I...
One of the problems with Taxus is the berries have an attractive red aril around the very toxic seeds. The red part can be eaten if the seeds are...
Could it be a Camperdown Elm ( Ulmus glabra Camperdownii)?
Separate names with a comma.