My beautiful Onyx! We nearly lost her earlier in the year.Pneumonia is awrful in rats, really drags them down quickly.But with various...
Its okay, i'm proud of what i do, usually people think we're just a bunch of mental people, but we're all heart!Okay, we're mental too, but...
Yes they're beautiful! And they go all mottled when they moult, they're my specialty to show, if you hadn't guessed!Thank you Julie!
Thank you Kath!They're worth it. I work as part of a project with the National Fancy Rat Society to better the domestic species as they have...
Ooo i say. That sounds like a gizmo to go on the gift list. I'd love a bash at that. We get through so much bread its unbelieveable so that would...
And another of the new girls together! Whistle and Godiva[img][img][img]And there we have it for now! I miss my Ariel who is on loan to...
Hakuna Matata Vespa [Rex Black][img][img]My other new baby Hakuna Matata Wolf Whistle [Dumbo Rex Himalayan][img][img][img]...
Redwall Ridiculous [Black Eyed Siamese][img][img]Redwall Spartacus [Black Eyed Siamese][img][img]Hakuna Matata Tigers Pride [Rex...
Bongo Fury Onyx Orchid [Dumbo Russian Blue][img][img]Hakuna Matata Pandoras Box [Rex Burmese][img][img]Bongo Fury Pearls of...
Redwall Wingardium Leviosa [Burmese][img][img]Redwall Lumos Nox [Black Eyed Siamese][img][img]Maurice [Blazed Bareback Black]...
Redwall Elvis [Self Black][img][img]Hakuna Matata Big Damn Heroes [or Firefly call name] [Rex Burmese][img][img]My new little...
Just had my quarterly photoshoot sorted yesterday and ready to update the rattery website but wanted to show them off here first :DIf they...
Morning all!Shiny, all the best for your tough work today! Troop on! And both to you and Marley, all the best for your hospital visits and...
I think someone mentioned Bermuda :D [/b]</font> Ooo cheeky beggers! *loves it anyway*
Hold on, you're a vet Kath??!Fantastic. I have emergency contacts!
Cheers Kath! Hair colours? Me? Never!Okay just a bit. :DI've been hot pink, turquoise, a range of different reds, blue, purple shiny...
You look strangely familiar lovely Cookie Monster!You lovely lady! :DPro you look familiar too, just like my friend Kelv that Darren...
Ah Hel yes LAN parties! They're brilliant. What do the lads play?Whenever my friend Sacha comes over from Bermuda she brings her laptop, we get...
Well done lovelies!Must thank Cookie Monster for her lovely run down of her thoughts of the photos, really made to smile have have such a lovely...
Morning all,thank you so much for the welcoming messages! You're so lovely! I missed you all, i had no idea you'd vanished poof as well Hel! Oh...
Separate names with a comma.