Well, i can have a go i guess! Make sure i'm using the right food and such.Think i'll pop to town soon and pick up some baskets and see what...
Never tried to be honest!
Not in a while no, i've done a few paintings of pets for folks on here, but my skills have improved since then, i'll post some a tidge :)
Holy moly guys!I just recieved an email from a tv producer of a show called 'Animals at Work' and she wants to do a feature on fancy rats and...
Morning all Busy day for me today, but my busy tends to be a bit different to other peoples busy! 2 rat cages and some laundry plus a few other...
Ah thats jazzy! :D Have just shown a few people and they're all jolly impressed! Thanks for doing that!Thank you for the support and the...
Lucky cookie, you!! I'd love a pond just so i could have lilies! Beautiful!
A whatty?
Capney thank you so much for your well wishes, its been a bit of a rollarcoaster of a life so far but it appears to be settling from hence forth....
Yay MeMe! How glorious are they looking! :D
Well, not a day out really, more of a few hours. Since i joined the art group in aid of giving myself something i can do when i'm immobile and...
Pretty muggy and sunny right now, i daresay the moment i step outside it'll go grim. It is Devon afterall.
Gorgeous looking sweetpeas, bet you have a lovely time relaxing out there!
Thank you so much Peter, those are utterly lush! Keeping note of those names, i love the idea of long term flowering!
Have never used Skype, used others like Mumble and Ventrilo, but they're more for the online gaming type of thing.I have a microphone so i...
Finally got my catch up thread done complete with holiday photos and yummy exotic plant photos.Got me a headache now so going to get a glass...
Hmm well nothing stopping me having a go! I guess that would be more of a plan for next spring summer though, perhaps i should think about autmn...
Got to love Bermuda logic... [img] [img][img] Us![img]Please excuse how awkard i look in photos, i dont do photographs very well at...
[img][img] Haha talk about good shot, eh? :D[img][img][img] Darren? An ice cream fan? Don't know what you're talking about......
In order to get myself into a more focus happy Sarah mind frame, i've joined an Art Society, very daring knowing i can panic with new people, and...
Separate names with a comma.