This morning i went to the garden centre and bought a strawberry plant (to replace one that has died), a tomato plant (as insurance in case my...
@JWK mine are more like 12mm - that's small!
I don't very often post here but I do read along most days. I just wanted to say sympathy to all who have lost loved ones recently. Also, on the...
I have a little electric one and it's not much good.
Has any one else noticed that the RHS have recently changed the My Garden feature on their website? It is a feature where you can list all your...
Thanks @Ezzie, Thomas P. Edison was the one of mine that didn't sprout until about 2 weeks after the others.
I went to the GC and bought some little Alpines - sedum, lewisia. achillea. rhodanthemum and a sempervivum as if I don't already have plenty,...
I'm going to Bridgewater on Tuesday with my cousins if the weather is ok.
I have started growing dahlias this year and have started them all off in pots. Out of 5, 4 had shoots after about a month. And the other one has...
Sad for those of us who live near Tatton Park, but I shouldn't complain as I have only ever been once!
@Plantminded thank you, I do have one of those. TBH I rarely use the kneeler, mainly just if I am planting something and even then I usually...
National Trust properties often have apple days in Autumn where you may be able to ask for advice and try different varieties.
@Jenny-Aster I think mine came from Aldi. I was sitting on it whilst painting a wooden planter but I don't often use it as a seat - probably never...
I have a similar kneeler made from plastic that can be used either way up, so that you can kneel or sit. Just wanted to warn people that sitting...
I get loads of that too. Often wonder if I should let it grow while I'm pulling it out!
@pete thank you.
Rhododendron Impeditum - I couldn't figure out how to type in the post with the picture. The colour is more vivid in real life.
Today I potted on 2 Cosmos and a Zinnia and put them in the cold frame. This is an experiment to see if it is too cold out there for them. I still...
Today I planted up some more courgette seeds and rubbed some greenfly off two of the roses.
Separate names with a comma.