Hi I had a james greives apple tree that the shoots and leaves kept ing dieing and looked to be cankered bought a red devil apple tree thinking it...
Thanks great advice, Unable to have 2 runs , would letting the old hens out free range in garden by them selves a few hours a day help?
Had 4 old hybrid hens 2 died so got 4 plymouth barred rock pullets, the young hens hide in the coops and if one goes out to the run the 2 old...
So the gardening dilemma of 2023 should I go for stihl our husqvarna our Mountfield hedge trimmer , our should I go cheap and get a titan hedge...
I have a few hazels in a hedge already I am hoping this hazelnut came from a fancy varity of hazel and I can expect bumper crops :) I get...
This little plant growing up in middle of a pot, soil hasn't been changed in years any clues what it is ? Thanks in advance[IMG][IMG][IMG]
Be warned people 40mims after asked this question I got a scam text from 07825522615 saying I had returned trimmer and they will charge me £100...
I bought a bosch 18v cordless hedge trimmer and it struggled and jammed cutting the hedge it sounded like like an electric meat carving knife, is...
I have 2 plum trees I planted bareroot 3 years ago they are in dame area and conditions one is lovely and healthy the other has lime/yellow leaves...
A friend of mine is moving in to a house and from lawm does not have a fence at road side and he wants a hedge, he's not a gardener and just...
Another perhaps daft question do you need 2 horschestnuta to get conkers our is one OK? The tree I planted is two saplings that are growing in to...
I have a 4m by 2m area that's got love I the mist yellow rattle some flax and grass. Year before I had poppys I broadcast there seeds but they...
Hi i ollected a conker years ago from a forest in my home town planted it and kept in a pot , when I got my own house planted it out its now 6ft...
Hi I planted broad beans in march yhey are all up 6inches high sowed peas out doors in April and only see a few have sprouted so far , might be a...
Have red devil apple tree and I see half way up branch looks like canker is it canker should I prune half the branch off to get rid of it our is...
Think I maybe worded it my question badly, hawthorn is planted 4 per meter its the cherry plum that's planted every few meters
I planted a hedge last year hawthorn every 3.5m (11.48 ft) I planted a cherry plum nearly same size as the bare root hawthorn, should I keep the...
I got 1 apple from my fiesta apple tree this year after the birds destroyed the rest , inside the apple was only one big seed the rest was either...
I am the cold north of northern ireland cool wet springs and autumn's. Have grown potatos before slugs dont touch them have grown beetroot used...
Hi I live in a area where slugs rule, what vegtables can I grow that slugs won't eat ?
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