Thanks :) It's an open bottomed bin. So we're talking damp proof membrane right, so it'll be as though I started it on concrete? I didn't know...
Thanks for that, got some ordered. I hope I can get them growing to crowd out horsetail...
Lol, there are hundreds!
Ah yes, that would work. It'd be fiddly but worth it I think. Thanks, I'll pick some up today...
I seeded 8 weeks ago (with gro sure fast grow seed, highly recommended, I've mowed 4 times a week apart already!) Some weeds are coming through,...
I'm just getting ready to start a compost bin. I have horsetail pretty much all over the back garden, but so far, not the front. The spot where...
Thinking of growing a patch of this behind the greenhouse. Getting conflicting info though :s I tried to post links, but I don't have enough...
[ATTACH]From the top of the steps, so you can see into the planting pockets. [ATTACH] So, finally getting around to the garden after over 4...
I had one of these in our previous house and it died, but we struggled to get the temp over 14C in the winter, so I blamed that. We're in a new...
Thank you both, plenty to keep us busy then!
Couple of pics of the area in question. The big heap of branches is elder we cut out of the hedge, it's getting burnt. Part of the area is...
Hi, I've been away for a few years as we moved house and been busy doing it up. It's nearly finished, so time to look at the garden. We have a...
Found this? And a few other little white 'shells'.
Thank you. I'll trim off the buds then. What's a bud eye? The soil is quite clayey, but I dug in a good amount of compost when I planted it....
I bought a rose 'little rambler' in April. It was a potted one, not bare root. Dug a hole larger than the pot, watered it well in the pot, dug in...
Thanks guys :) Definitely laying I'm thinking of ziggy Planting seeds is a good idea-hadn't thought of that. No...
We are moving into a new property soon with a much bigger garden-yay! Along one boundary is an established hawthorn hedge. It seems in fairly...
Here you go The plant generally [img] The holes [img] A fly which might just be a red herring? [img] The grainy stuff on the stamens (this...
It's just starting to come out and a lot of the flowers are looking shrivelled. On closer inspection, I see that each tube has a tiny hole in it...
My garden gets very little light for a lot of the year and the lawn is not looking good. The soil is quite clayey too, so there are bare, boggy...
Separate names with a comma.