Thanks :) I'll look out for some :)
I've had some success planting in ericaceous compost and dosing with aluminium sulphate and ericaceous miracle grow. The aluminium makes it blue...
Each year mine fall to this, usually as they are dying off. This year though, even the young plants have it. What can be done to minimise it please?
We have had some fencing fitted to keep our cats in the garden. The patio table was near the fence and this allowed them to escape, so we have had...
Thanks for the reply lavender :) So if I just leave it, they should flower OK?
I bought this heavenly blue last year and it flowered nicely. This year, the growing tips have gone all shrivelly. I have removed them all twice...
I bought a clematis after it had flowered last year. This was the label [img] The plant is now flowering and looks like this [img] This one...
Thanks sussexgardener :) I did have a half pot over the roots, but it's demise was swift. One day half the plant wilted, the next day the other...
I had a clematis last year which wilted. I posted pics on here at the time-thought perhaps it was wilt but perhaps not. Here's the pic again...
Cool, thanks for that :) Patience is again the key! I hope they do flower 'cos they are some lovely daffs and tulips.
ie leaves but no flowers. WIll they ever produce flowers in future years, or are they duff bulbs to be removed? I have quite a few new bulbs...
That's good to hear, thanks guys :) I wasn't about to pull it up-the foliage is nice, specially this new green growth. Just wanted to know if I...
I bought a vinca minor in flower in spring 2007. It made no more flowers that year. Last spring it put on loads of lovely new green leafy growth,...
I did the same as you year before last and they were a very poor show. Last year I grew them in my s facing bedroom window and they romped away!...
Periwinkle is supposed to be OK in shade, although mine has never flowered :(
Thanks all :) I'll leave it I think and see what it does. Fingers crossed!
Last winter was the first I'd had my agapanthus. I left it outside in its pot-a few leaves went yellow, but most were fine and stayed through this...
I would love some of these, but, despite looking out for them, I hhave never seen any for sale. What time of year should the bulbs be planted, and...
Thanks everyone :) When you say after flowering Dai, I've only just cut the flowers off today and they were quite fresh until recently, so should...
I've never really been a fan of roses. The flowers are of course fabulous looking and smelling, but they look so rubbbish when the flowers aren't...
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