I fourth that
The second one with small white flowers looks like something I have in my garden I know it as Grandpas buttons, is Achillea ptarmica its latin name.
It is 28.1deg and 45deg humidity here and sunny today lovely.
Now you know Fidgetsmum, you only have to ask.
Welcome Digger.You can usualy find pansy and viola plug plants for sale in the Garden centres in about Sept/October time.
Good afternoon all temp is 22deg and 57 deg humidity breezy with sunny spells and the occasional shower here.
Yes that raised a smile DH I didn`t see where that was leading.
Hello Alice thank you for your kind wordsHello Lyn It sounds as though you have made a jolly good start on sorting your garden and that it...
I know what you are dealing with Lyn. I lost my husband in April, he used to do the mowing and all the hard digging, putting up trellis, and he...
Good morning all, it is now dry but cloudy here this morning 15.6 and 60 deg humidity.
Pam what a good idea using compost bags for Potatoes I shall save mine and do that next year. I use those large plastic milk bottle 4pt size with...
Thank you Capney I will when the sun shines again
Door to get in A person(workman) R.N Emblem
Pictures of bombs dropped
The rest of the cover over the structure
I have a Hydranger that has been in a pot for about 2/3 years, this year it is looking a bit short on foliage and the flower heads are small,...
Hi welcome to Gardeners Corner Pete
Welcome and good day Andy to gardeners corner
Welcome ottordomino hope your day is a good one
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