Hi Anthony .. Weather damage as Jenny says .. Far to early to be planting summer bedding outside.
Agree with all Kristen had said , they should be plump but they are worth trying .. You can get some reasonable tubers in wilcos if you are not...
I start of well Kristen but wane as the season progresses ....
I grow my sweetpeas as a single cordon shot up 8ft canes . I sow singly then stop at 3 leaves . Then a couple of weeks before planting out I will...
Yes Kristen .I think that idea would be good . The main thing is to be able to maintain that older framework each year . I do keep fuchsias for...
Fuchsias root very easy this time of the year , use 2 or 3in soft tip shoots.Remove lower leaves and trip off under a pair of leaves . Put 4/5...
Morning Merleworld, Four nice fuchsias there ,not sure about Miss calafonia but the other three not hardy varieties. They would be better housed...
There are some wonderful old varieties in the above photos ,but althought they state an attained height, they would not give the desired effect in...
I think if you want to get a large fuchsia specimen as in the second photo (which looks like a variety called 'Phyllis') .you would need to...
I have grown B. sanguinea and must agree with Pete , with only flowering in spring and autumn ,also had bad foliage from time to time , flowers...
I agreewith Trunky, it does look like Viburnum bodnantense.. Dave
I like that one Wayne .Mine are growing well now too .. Dave
I have used the B&Q own compost in the purple bags for a couple of years now and fine it very good and consistant .. 3 for £10 with 10% of for...
A lovely display Pal.. Thanks for sharing them .. Dave
1. Foxglove 2. Acanthus 3. Agree with Bilbo ,looks like dead flower heads of a Spirea 4. Lupin 5. Poeny 6. Agree, could be Shasta Daisy Dave
Morning Mrs C I also germinated a few Hostas last year , had them pricked out in small cells . They made a small plant and died down .I left mine...
Nice one Clueless. I agree with all you have said ,and I always think twice before I shop there now ..My other issue with them is the lack of care...
I agree with strongylodon the close up does not look like F pumila .. Dave
No I'll try again later . Dave
Maybe this will work ?
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