I was mildly disappointed that mine didnt smell worse - but possibly the regular muck spreading by the local farmers has desensitised me somewhat !
Ive added Salvia Black Knight to my collection: [IMG] --
First aubergines of the year, & a couple more small cucumbers - I should get 3 or 4 more by the end of the week so I shall probably pickle them...
"Miners Claim" is still sitting in the greenhouse waiting for me to get around to finding it a home: [IMG] --
-- Not sure that I can call it coming into flower - but its done .. something .. [IMG] --
Dracunculus vulgaris is getting ready to do its stuff: [IMG] I think its grown an extra large pod this year
First fruit is appearing on the Giant Belgium in the greenhouse - I swear it wasnt there this morning when I was doing the watering.. [IMG] --
Giant alliums - taken a while to get going but worth the wait: [IMG] -- Lots of flowers coming on the hanging baskets too: [IMG] --
The nasturtiums are kinda taking over: [IMG] -- [IMG] --
Removed all the brown fronds from the treeferns [IMG] -- this one is looking a bit bald but theres 10 or more new ones appearing ! [IMG] --...
No huge disaster this year so far.AlthoughThe dwarf peas that I thought might do well in the planters on the wall with the strawberries...
you & me both - its nice in my greenhouses but its still freezing outside !
delivery from jungleplants today - [IMG] -- Hedychium samshiri Brugmansia wielher gold Brugmansia Miner's Claim - an interesting variegated form...
As promised - my first cucumber of the year ! [IMG] -- And very nice it was too. I could probably let them get a little bit bigger than that in...
speaking of Cucumbers - Ive got a grafted plant this year - F1 mini stars - it appears to be female only, & hugely vigorus: [IMG] -- and I might...
Interesting - thanks - Ive found in the past that I start feeding too early & so get a huge jungle but it takes an age for the first fruit to set...
They work well for me - two advantages are that I dont have a lot of space, so having something I can move in for the summer growing season & then...
I have both - I use the quadgrows for the tomatoes & this year Im trying cucumbers & aubergines in them: [IMG] -- I have no complaints & Ive...
Chilligrow from garden sensations - same sort of thing as the Duogrows but designed for chillies so smaller reservoir & slightly bigger pots ;...
I cant compete on quantity, but this years plants are coming on well: [IMG] -- Aji limon, Peperoncino (kebab shop chilli) x2 - in flower /...
Separate names with a comma.