Cyclamen Hederifolium[ATTACH][ATTACH]
Hi Caroline there's an interesting piece on outdoor hardy Cyclamen in this weeks Amateur Gardening. I didn't know , but you can have them...
Hi @OzT ,As @pete will probably remember mine is now 17 years old, around 5 ft high and over 30 leaves. Have I had any flowers ..... Naaaahh......
Hi Nick, what about planting it in a deep builders bucket ( 95p from B&Q ) and sinking it into the ground. Then you can control the growing medium.
Hi Woo , it looks like a Mirabilis ( Marvel of Peru ). Not a perennial as such but a tuber.
I agree with @pete . Also don't forget a lot of plants take a year to settle in before they even think of flowering.
Bessera, Salvia " Lipstick " , Montbretia[ATTACH]Acer , Diascia's[ATTACH]Dianthus[ATTACH]
Definately no 2 would be worse.No 1 ..... mess is brexitNo 2 .... brexit and whatever else he and Mcdonut dream up between them ( for instance...
Hi Kon, I may be wrong here ( I hope @longk can clear ths up as I know he has grown them in the past ) but I would have thought it was too late to...
Hi @Victoria , mines about 7 years old now. I've never had any seedpods :(
Hi @Paul Blackburn Hi @caskinIn case either of you are interested there are now two Lonicera ( Honeysuckle ) that have been bred with shorter...
You can @pete , don't you remember we did it to that woman ( girl ) earlier on this year.
Well on my phone they're tiny little blue dots but I'll go with Borage.
So it's up to your government to take away his Canadian Citizenship as well.
Bessera Elegans[ATTACH]
Excellent post @Sian in Belgium
That's gorgeous @CanadianLori . It looks like a little bit of England in Canada.
First time growing this...Bessera ElegansLooks pretty enough like this[ATTACH]but; look insde and it's a little stunner[ATTACH]{...
Hi @Kon , sorry I haven't got time to do an indepth check right now but they are Spring bulbs. You'll find that a lot of them send up new growth...
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