Can't begin to think how the guys in N.W England feel. 6 months ago they were completely flooded out, now they've got a hosepipe ban:scratch:.
Well, bananas seem to help everything ripen so I think I'll give the tomato trick a go. Don't want any "slip-ups".:hehe:
Hi guys. Well, it LOOKS like spiders webs:scratch: and if there is no damage to the plant it probably is. :wink: However, having had every...
Anywhere "South of the water" isn't the "Surrey side", it's France.:lollol:
As regards the Blueberries. When I "googled" this the consensus of opinion was, Grow in full sun or light shade, Only use rainwater to water...
Thanks for thr replies, guys.:gnthb:
Good tip, Alice. Thankyou. Personally I'll use Sbk 'cause you only have to do it once. Each to his own.
Yep. Completely normal. :) I always leave the last seed pods on to self-seed. They're a bit slower than if you start them off in a G/house etc. I...
Hi guys. Just got a tip today from a guy with a fantastic Rose garden.:wink: He says to put banana skins round the rose bushes, let them rot down,...
Well, coming from London from way back, I know why we call it "The Smoke".:wink:
Paint the leaves with SBK. It'll kill it right back to the roots, even if they're in your neighbours garden.
Oh! Should have said.:dh: Sometimes you get damage to the growing tips with a "spiders web" looking lace. That's caused by Capsid bugs. Provado...
Evolution never ceases to amaze me in the way living things adapt to their environment.:)
Hi waqas. As the Lady:luv: says, they shed leaves all the time. Mine get those little spots on them just before they turn yellow and die. I've...
We were, physically, a part of Europe until relatively recent times. Many of the species grew across the whole area. When the English Channel...
Hi Lady.:luv: Busybee, I'll assume it's the hardy type 'cause if you've planted the non-hardy variety outside it's going to die in the Winter...
Well, it's not all bad news. Wimbledon starts next week.:) Everybody can keep their flags flying 'till Andy Murray gets knocked out. I guess...
Just had our first "cream tea" with ours.:wink: We just love them with "extra thick" cream. Apologies to any Devonians.:wink:
Hi busybee. Might be handy to know if it's a hardy or non-hardy variety. There's two types.
Cats again:hehe:
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