We currently have three piggies,Padme (we took her heavily pregnant from a pet shop near us, poor thing was practically only a baby herself!...
That's a lovely photo [img] I love Robins, our garden Robin is a very friendly chap, always comes and sings for me when I hang out the washing...
I could offer cake... I like making cake. Wether it lasted until any volunteers arrived or not is another matter...
Lol, I can imagine how much people will want to come to that party ;) Sadly, I don't have many "green" friends around here. I've decided to see...
When I said local, I just meant closest - I know they're nationwide ;) I emailed a local firm today, and will do some ringing around tomorrow....
Sadly, no building work nearby - there isn't really anything nearby as we live out of the way! ;) If there were a few stones in the ground we...
Well, we had a bit of a go over the last two days as weather has been excellent - what a palava! Hubby borrowed his parents' strimmer, which...
Looking online, here is one that seems to have a wide variety of ginkgos (I didn't know there was more than one!)...
The garden centre near my parents in Pontefract has trees about 4-5ft high for �£15. I don't visit the plant sections of garden centres all that...
We have a tiny baby Gingko that I bought my husband as a seedling (he was studying them for his thesis). We cann him Guy, and he currently sits on...
We've just had to take one of our guinea pigs to the vet for an ear infection - poor mite was very miserable and would hardly walk, we were...
Mice we can handle, we have a resident owl who sorts them out for us ;)
I'll definately be covering them, I have some wood earmarked for the job. I was just wondering when in bed last night (sad I know!), wouldn't all...
That's great, thank you, lots of really good ideas there - bit worried about having no mortar though!
More beginner's questions, sorry! we've decided that the best way to go will be to build a nice solid brick compost bin (or rather three, to allow...
Ahhh, it's not so bad. It heats up water for the washing up and OH's shaving in the morning etc. So we don't use the expensive to run water heater...
I'm afraid our budget really won't stretch to a mini digger (plus as a miserable archaeologist who hates thir increasing use on digs, I am against...
Thanks for all the advice. We'd love to get a couple of goats in to do the job for us! There are lots of sheep in surrounding fields, maybe they...
Thank you for the advice. Yep, this is going to be one major job! This is why we're not looking to create a masterpiece with lots of gorgeous...
These cuties are Degus [img] bigger than gerbils, and friendlier. I don't agree with pet shops, as it makes pets seem like they are not as much...
Separate names with a comma.