Yesterday, broad bean and goat's cheese risotto with a tomato salad and a nice glass of Soave. [ATTACH] a-a
My Felcos are 20 years old and still going strong, and I bought a secondhand pair of Rolcut anvil secateurs about ten years ago, they were already...
Have a look at this link: of choice here.a-a
Gigante beans are a variety of broad or fava beans. I have grown them from dried beans I bought in Greece - but to be honest not really worth the...
Here is our garlic, growing next to a very old rose bush. [ATTACH] a-a
I shred and add cardboard from items like corn-flake boxes as well as old correspondence, income tax demands etc., but never add glossy junk mail...
You are quite correct of course, that's why I qualified my post.a-a
How much hedge do you have to cut? and of what type? I have had a McCulloch Gladiator 550 petrol trimmer for about 7 years now, it can be a bit...
The frost got two of my potato plants in pots on Sunday night - I didn't fleece them (I know - silly me) those right next to the south facing wall...
Yesterday evening: Saute chicken livers and sweet peppers with puy lentils, cous-cous and a green salad. Accompanied with a glass of very robust...
Thanks for the tip. - as I will pull up the poles at the end of the season though they might not be too well established ! a-a
Tried all our local garden centres for traditional hazel bean poles - "No call for them nowadays, sir" was the reply from all of them ! - So,...
Started my courgette, ridge cucumber and patty-pan squash seeds on damp kitchen towel in yogurt pots - when the embrio root appears I will pot up...
Top picture looks like Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis) member of the mint family - can be a bit invasive but a very good plant for bees etc., and...
Went into my local ALDI today - last two 40 litre bags of peat-free compost were sitting on a pallet inside the store, both had a small rip at the...
Sunday we had: Breast of duck with black olives and puy lentils, some buttered potatoes and a small leafy green salad. A glass of very good...
Clouds broke up enough for quite a good view here N. Yorks / Durham border. About 90% eclipse I guess.
I have been given some seed of Tomato Cherry Belle F1 (Came with a gardening mag) - anyone tried this variety is it worth growing? I only grow...
I have a 1935 Qualcast Panther (Only two previous owners from new) and a 1955 Follows and Bates side-wheel mower, both in fair condition and have...
Planted up some Charlotte potatoes in large pots. Three to a pot in compost consisting one part each loam, garden compost, leaf-mould and cheapo...
Separate names with a comma.