Kristen - thanks for the input. I especially liked the trebuchet bit. cheers DM
at one of my gigs they are scrapping the Hater Harrier and replacing it with a John Deere R54 RKB - any feedback on problems/ things to watch out...
Cut the grass regularly throughout the season and start cutting 2nd week in march next year, you'll find that perenial weeds will disappear by the...
Should be called ' The Pantz Gardeners World ' but there you may blame the incredibly 'experienced' 23 year old producers for reading the wrong plot..
It might be worth growing Ceanothus which will tend to hide the fence panels. 3 flat faced varieties should do the trick. :wink:
I have a couple of J.virginianas. they were both planted two years ago and are both showing signs of dying as the ends of the branches are...
Thanks for your input all....Looks like i'm going for a swim then. good luck with the Chelsea project Chris!
I have a pond in a wildish area and has been let go for three or four years, consequently the reeds have multiplied and have virtually taken over....
Thanks K, I'll give it a try this year. I love your blog by the way.
It will do much better in open ground and fed on silver wood ash from your autumn bonny
A good thread for buddleia fans......I've tried to take cuttings from B.Globosa without success. any feedback would be much appreciated!!
Give us the URL pls
Pots will be fine, around 45/50 litre for them all. The varigated dwarf is probably pleioblastus fortunii so will spread so be prepared, when it...
Have you come across a dog list yet ??
I wondered if you can apply the same naming logic to 'Silybum'
Alys, would eventually, become a good presenter but what about this Toby Buckland guy.... he's pretty good at it. anyone agree?
some brilliant growing tips - Victorian Kitchen Garden featuring Harry Dodson is a favorite series of mine - giving away all the lost old tips and...
V. tinus laurustinus I think?
About a year or so ago I took on a new garden which has wisteria climbing up the house gable wall - no flowers in 2008 and the occupier cant ever...
mowerland put one in the post for £15 + £3.50 - not bad eh....... :gnthb:
Separate names with a comma.