Hi, here is a closer pic of a branch. The leaves look weedish to me. The flowers/seed heads are really tiny!
I have similar plants growing in the gravel around my patio. I'm just pulling them up! Do you have any flowers that have seeded close by? When I...
I have this plant growing in a pot and I am assuming it isn't a weed! I say assuming because I don't know what it is? Last year I tried what I...
It can be annoying when you look out into the garden and the dog is stomping on young shoots so he can pee on a bush! Low growing plants all...
A sunset, a helicopter, 2 jet planes, a UFO, and a man in a hat playing a guitar.
We have a problem with our male dog and his peeing. As mentioned above it isn't the damage to grass that is a problem but the insistence and...
Thanks again, fingers crossed a couple may root. Gazania
Hi Sheal, so would you take cuttings now in August? And then after they have rooted in water and you pot them, where do you put them over winter?...
Hi and thanks. Yes, easy is what I thought! I'm doing them this week so hopefully they will have some time to root. I will also winter them in a...
Thanks, I thought it would be difficult. I did have some acer's in pots and occasionally a seed or two would root in the soil around the pots. I...
Hi all, anyone had any results from fuchsia cuttings? I tried last year but all failed. I did have success with lavender cuttings though. Not a...
Hi again, just looked at your flickr pics, very nice too. What camera/lenses did you use? Gazania
Thanks for the link. It looks like delphinium elatum. Some have the same head shape as mine but the insides look different and that's how I...
They were quite long, thin and tall. This is the only other pic I have. They have stopped flowering now.
Many thanks. I'm not sure which tiger lily it is but here's a pic.
Got in close with this lily.
Thanks Kristen, I shall leave my dahlia's in their pots and over winter them in my shed where they can be kept cool and in the dark. gazania
I was just thinking of posting a similar thread. My dahlia's are in pots. The pots were left out over winter and they survived. But this year I...
Must have thrown the label away from these!!! Will have to get the name from the ID forum.
I really should keep plant labels!!!
Separate names with a comma.