I'm beginning to think it might be a weed Sheal. Mum has 2 of them in the garden which she reckons I planted ! First of all I thought she said in...
Sheal and Madahhlia you might well be on to something there. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a wall flower coz mum said it didn't flower. But something...
Hard work and lots of effort are certainly paying off. Especially when the planting starts coming on. And you've managed to cater for the kids as...
Well, I'm certainly not wise ! This is only a personal viewpoint, but I am always wary about putting climbers directly onto wooden fences....
Hi, I was still hoping for a definate ID on this seed pod. There are similarities to a wallflower, but the again it looks different. Any ideas ?
Hi, I have a couple but as yet no sign of flowers ! Are they later to flower further north ? Nice collections :) gazania
Thanks guys, I will pass on the info today. :) gazania
Hypericum Stephen ? gazania
Hi, my neighbour asked me why I think his wisteria hasn't flowered very much this year. It is quite a size and a few years old. I thought it might...
Nice one. I'm thinking of something similar. Have you used half bricks throughout except the top ? gazania
Hi Stephen, I am 30 miles from Llandudno. Er . . . I hate to throw a spanner in the works but mum reckons the plant didn't flower ! My wife also...
Mine has been the same this year which I have put down to the constant deluge of water. I too just take the yellowed leaves off. gazania
Stephen, looking at the seeds and pods again I think you are most probably right. At some point in the year I must have bought mum a wallflower in...
It is a plant in a pot gone to seed that I don't recall buying or planting up. The pod is one of many on an upright stem about a foot or so high....
Hi Stephen, that's what I thought. Sweetpeas are wider and the seeds aren't set in the pod the same. I'm intrigued now. Hope it gets identified or...
Here is a pic of the seeds. About 10 to a pod, round and brown. Time to check out the seedsite. This one plant was in a pot and mum says I bought...
The plant was upright, about 1 1/2-2ft high. It had no leaves to identify it, and maybe 10 of these branches with the seed pods. gazania
Hi Stephen, could well be but, I think my pods have much more of a point to the end of them. gazania
Hi all, This seed pod is from my mums and she thinks it may be a herb of some sort. I'm not sure. Any ideas ? gazania
Yes, definately a north/south divide :frown: Today we got drizzle, cloudy skies, not a hint of blue sky or sun, and a strong cool breeze ! gazania
Separate names with a comma.