Bought a cooking bay tree, looks very health
Plant out the leeks and spring onions, waiting for the rain. Very dry recently
An unknown iris in garden[ATTACH]
The variety is orange king, the flower is quite big. I grow it from seeds, germination rate about 50%, and plant out around April without any...
[ATTACH] My calendula just start flowers
Maybe clematis
Mine is showing tomatoes[ATTACH]
Plant out tomatoes and Courgette cucumberThey all have flowers[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
plant out tomatoes and salad leaves[ATTACH]
The strawberry looks very tasty
It looks fine so far, tonight and tomorrow night will be a little cold, but i think they will survive
I am using a pick
plant out 3 tomato seedlings and some runner beans, and leave the others outside to harden off tonightMaybe a riskWill know tomorrow morning
I plant out 3 tomato seedlings , and leave the others outside to harden off tonightMaybe a risk
Thanks very much. Then will not waste time to try it
You can chop it, and will get two plants.It can also get new plants by leaves.Less water and more sun help them looks tidy.Yours already...
Will you grow bay tree from seeds?
Sorry phone screen is too small, even didn't not notice itIt's friendly @Anthony Rogers :snorky::sofa:
Happy birthday:hapfeet:
[ATTACH]Mine has this problem. It does not die. I think it is some pests
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