Congratulations! What a fantastic achievement :)
Oh definitely. You should of seen me hovering around Monty at Hampton Court. We may share a birthday but the man will need a restraining order...
Is that Rachel de Thame?! :dancy: are you starstruck?
Best of luck Snorky! Can't wait to see it on the big screen.Verdun, fancy taking mine too? I can see a career path for you here. The Cornish...
What did he cut it with? Nail scissors? Looks great.
Lilac Squirrel.. another one for the future purchase list
achillea salvia oestfriesland or possibly mainacht Sanguishorba Perovskia/russian sageEnjoy your new planting. :)
Geranium Magnificum :)
Funny you say that, Miss Darcey Bussell is about to be heading for the green bin. However, she lures me back in with her sudden flushes of deep...
Looking very neat & tidy Snorky, all the best for 'show' day :yay: I would just remove some of the tattered Acanthus leaves, otherwise it looks...
Evening all. Just checking in, everything ok your end(s) @alp @Upsydaisy
phacelia tanacetifolia, easy to grow from seed. The bees love it, if you let it flower.
Loving all your pictures. White is a colour I must utilise more in the garden, very tranquil indeed. Quite a few garden tragedies due to tonight...
Tatton Flower Show on BBC2 earlier on & tomorrow, 7.30pm ish I believe :) Should be on catch up.
Last one is Hypericum Hidcote
Fingers crossed for you Upsy, keep going strong. Also receiving the much welcome storms but worried about the tall delphiniums, am hoping my...
[ATTACH] Agastache Kudos Mandarin, the newest purchase.[ATTACH] Agastache Apricot Sprite[ATTACH] Black Adder. Are you all convinced yet? I...
Mine here over winter & are definitely much better in their second year of flowering
I use boiling water as well, works a treat & no harmful chemicals to other wildlife.
Separate names with a comma.