I have the same one which was sold as Helianthus 'Monarch', although apparently it isn't the true cultivar 'Monarch'. See the info on Bob Brown's...
It's Wintercress, Barbarea vulgaris.
I don't understand why this is even a problem. You don't even like the tree and the aphids are hardly going to kill it - within a few weeks...
I have one (Austrian design) which is excellent for cutting long grass (meadow-type areas), nettles, docks and weedy areas. Brambles to a limited...
Might be Green Alkanet.
Looks like Wood Avens - should have small yellow flowers.
Willowherb maybe.
Have you tried just using garden soil? I sieve mine first to remove roots/lumps/stones, and after sowing put a layer of council green waste...
Interesting page on Laburnum poisoning here: Laburnum anagyroides, common laburnum The risk doesn't seem to be particularly high.A dead tree...
I don't think the container will overheat unless it's actually in the sun, but 5 cm deep doesn't leave much margin for error. A sandpit shape...
Poppies, cornflowers and other annuals don't really grow in meadows, except where there is substantial ground disturbance making bare soil....
Any photos? What wildflowers have you tried/got? For perennials, you'd be better sowing the seed elsewhere, growing on the plants then planting...
I wouldn't try to hatch/rear too many tadpoles in a small container. They'll be fine at first, but as they grow you'll have problems with the...
Excellent, always great to see Grass Snakes in the garden. Good angle for the photo as well - do you know if it managed to get the frog down in...
I think this is the best suggestion. 6" sounds much too shallow for goldfish, but it would be fine for most of the wildlife mentioned above....
Something similar happened after the foot & mouth disease outbreak. With grazing levels drastically reduced, many upland plants were able to grow...
There is another very important effect of trees in relation to flooding, which is the large amount of woody debris (including large branches and...
How do you know you're going to lose all these plants? Flooding during the growing season would be more damaging, but at this time of year it...
I think the problem lies less with the daisies and more with the poor grass growth. Applying herbicide just addresses the symptoms rather than the...
These preformed ponds always strike me as very expensive. EPDM (rubber) liner + quality underlay (Polyfelt) works out at about £6 per sq m - much...
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