Yes, Creeping Buttercup. Spreads mainly by runners over the soil surface. I wouldn't worry about it growing too much in grass/lawn (I prefer grass...
This is a fantastic looking plant. Good photos of it as well. I agree that it looks like a perennial sunflower, but not one I remember seeing...
Doesn't sound a very promising site for heathers to be honest. If it's an old wall, and has naturally been colonised by ferns, mosses & lichens as...
Sand works well as a low nutrient rooting medium to cover the liner with, especially in the shallower areas where the liner is more vulnerable to...
I agree. This was my first thought as well.
It isn't actually illegal to grow the plants on sal73's list, but they can't be introduced or allowed to escape into the wild. These (and other...
Pretty sure he'd still need a licence for that. Under Schedule 8 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, the relevant offences are: Section 13 2a...
You can of course collect seed yourself from the wild, to be certain of what you're growing. This also allows you to grow plants from your local...
Look at the plant suggestions (and other advice) in the pdf leaflet on this page: Pond Conservation - Making ponds for wildlife It's normal for...
It's neither grass nor sedge but a species of Luzula (Woodrush), perhaps L. sylvatica (Great Woodrush). The leaves should have sparse long hairs...
I think you're a bit confused here. 'Cornfield' annuals grow in disturbed ground, like cornfields where the seed can germinate on bare ploughed...
If you do want more 'weeds' in the lawn, it's a good idea to reduce the fertility as much as possible over time i.e. no fertiliser and remove all...
It might be that they need more bare/trampled areas for the seed to germinate in and establish without too much competition from the grass. If the...
I wouldn't think so - they generally hide under logs, stones, flowerpots etc. which are damp but not exactly wet. A heap on the dry side would...
I like dandelions in the lawn (and daisies, clover, bird's foot trefoil and other flowers). A 'perfect' green lawn is just so boring and...
There is an RHS trial report online which deals with various Miscanthus cultivars - worth looking at before you choose one.
Personally, I'd just remove and destroy the hybrid types in this case. No point trying to talk to the council. Transplanting them defeats the...
This is a rather dubious benefit, caused mainly by the shade from the duckweed. Clear, shaded water under a duckweed carpet does not support a...
I think clueless has summed up my point quite well - it's very important to keep risks in perspective and not to overreact to minor dangers to the...
One further point is that it's a good idea to fill ponds with rainwater if possible, rather than tapwater which is generally rather too high in...
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