Love my stove. It’s a Clearview 500 and I burn wood and smokeless fuel but not together. My property is open plan and the smokeless fuel once it’s...
You want a nice little blower but the grass needs a little cut too. Not only will the leaves damage the turf they also promote worms. There are...
not at the golf club I’m at. Everything is done by the book and every record is kept. If a club does practice that then everything else will be of...
It’s not the suppliers fault if you go to any worth while trade supplier as they too must be trained or under supervision however it’s only...
depending on plant type there are low temp herbicides like Praxy that can be applied early or late season.when it comes to Glyphosate not all...
Were these written quotes or verbal?
Always hard with turf as we get good and bad years. Was it a local supplier?
Looking good, a nice looking lawn. Well done
There’s no chemical available for domestic use for grubs and while covering the ground works to a degree it’s not a cure. There are some...
We use rye grass mixtures for all but the greens and they are cut 3 to 4 times a week. Rye grass is a tougher grass, more resilient but for lines...
Unfortunately to get rid of weeds you will need to hit it with a chemical. I know mowing and good fertiliser program may help but if it’s a good...
Keep it damp in this weather and the golden rule is the larger the seed the deeper it can be planted. Plain old topsoil can’t be beat but with...
Great to hear they have helped.Don’t think any grass type that’s here in the U.K. can withstand drought. Nature of the beast really.
I had a conversation with a Stihl rep over their battery range and we chatted about the levels of charge as they offered 3 and the life span of...
All my mowers are emptied in the spring when serviced and fresh oil added then. The workshops normally strip and clean carbs, replace pull string...
You can hire aerators, that might be the best way to tackle that.
In a perfect world it would be a nice deep layer of soil but if say you have 150mm of good topsoil over fairly stoned ground it’s not too bad but...
Can’t see any info on its nutrients levels, could be my old eyes but I can’t see anything so it’s not something I would personally use. Agrigem do...
Part of the joy on domestic lawns is they all differ where as on a sports orientated venue they tend to be built for purpose which makes life...
I’m keeping well thanks. Golf course is busy work as it’s been a dry spell so long old days at times as I return to water some evenings....
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