Hi I noticed the drainage holes in the walls, are they coming off a car parking area by any chance?
Little tip but if your weather is hot like it is here try to pick a day when it’s cooler. Keep the grass watered too so it’s not as stressed, this...
The secret to tackle the clove is feed the lawn first, then weather permitting is then to spray the lawn with a herbicide. The feed encourages the...
Looks nice, well done.
I did try this product a while back and had good results which is the second photo.The first photo is with a general granular fertiliser.Both...
The miracle grow liquid lawn feed has a very high N rating. They tend to alter these and a customer uses this on her lawn and it’s too rapid for...
You can get away with a basic one but the spray pattern may not be correct and you might apply to little or too much but the good news is there’s...
That’s great, what’s the make and model of the knapsack? Is the bar pressure adjustable and what nozzles have you got?
Hello, first off don’t spray a herbicide. Refresh my mind but how long is it since you seeded?What are you comfortable with regarding feeds,...
I’ll attach a photo showing a typical red thread tip. It’s very common and with the recent wet weather it appears then disappears quickly and is...
That’s great thanks. I don’t think it’s yellow due to lack of light to be honest. I take it you calibrated the drop rate ie. it has a Collection...
Normally yellowing that’s present below the top green section indicates an issue but it’s hard to see on the photos. yellowing can be a sign of a...
that’s due to most of the work and samples they do are for the sports industry where the ground is properly looked after. It’s pretty rare for...
always wash it out using the 3 wash system as it hold liquid even when the tank is empty. You fill up with 1 ltr and shake and spray till air...
Looking good. Stick to that lime treatment, don’t go over the rate as it’s hard to correct. There’s a few differences from your other test...
It’s too early to apply a herbicide, weed and feeds tend to be around 6 weeks from seed and for a new lawn the amount of nitrogen should not be...
They will soon disappear, what you can see it the fruit body. Most of these tend to show up and disappear very quickly.if only they were magic...
That’s great. Anything you are not sure on or want tips just post away.
Really hard to say what’s going on there but the soil and density of the grass plant don’t look great. It does not look like red thread though as...
The good news is they are easy to deal with. Any product containing L 2,4-D, dicamba, MCPA and mecoprop-P will be able to treat them. The common...
Separate names with a comma.