I pinch mine out when they get to about 6 foot, so i can still reach the fruit to pick. Dont know how many trusses that ends up being. Worked...
And if you pop them in a sandwich bag each with a bit of water, you see which germinates fastest too! Both may even germinate, then you can...
aren't there intelligent birds that could even be cracking the nest box then? I dont know how secure these are suppost to be....
whats wrong with 4cm lawn? you'd hate my lawn :Dis your lawn bumpy?
do you mean the padlocks are getting cracked?
Cheers, all. Homebase have a great selection of seed tatties btw! Been and got 2 varieties on the way home tonight (cant remember which). I'll...
Rotavators are the devil regarding bindweed apparently.
I remember a programme last month on Radio4 which had the founder of your organisation as a guest. Very interesting idea.welcome to the forum :)
It thought this was about ant nests :(
Cheers OP!
I actually tried to buy one from there, but a month later, they posted me a letter saying my card details were wrong (silly typo by me). But a...
Hi,I've gone and left my potatos to last, not sure why. I think i just wanted to get my raised bed going as it was most work intenstive. Now...
I built my compost bin from untreated wood from b&q 3 years ago, and its been fine, no need to water treat it at all.
Someone on gardeners question time today on R4 had this problem, not to your extent though. The sugestions were, * Soak it for a few days, and...
Thanks i think its a cat given the presents is been leaving in it for the past couple of days. I'm off to get netting i think. I might build a...
Oh, i meant to add that to my list. I've just seen a fox lately this month. What can be done to prevent this?
So i've sown into a new raised bed at the weekend (1.8x0.6m sq), and this morning, a quarter has been turned over, and all the string between...
Can i plant garlic out now?
I dont think its the ants that destroy it, but the aphids they farm on it.
So what is it in its natural environment in japan that keeps this weed under control?Also OP, it looks like its coming up everywhere in next...
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