i have a love hate relationship with nasturtiums. I love their flowers and trailing habit, but i hate the way they invade a border, and overun...
Courgette flowers are nice when the flowers are astuffed witht a cream cheese ixture, e.g. with chopped herbs etc, then dipped in light batter and...
i have jsut ordered some winter panises. i was wondering if i get them soon can i store them in the greehouse until i plant them out when others...
i have a large container with nasturtiums and bidens godess plants in. one of the nasturtium plants has began droping all of a sudden (within...
how come that barely a month ago my compost bin still had recognisable matter in it, e.g. bannana skins,carrot peeings etc and today i was able to...
no, they can be planted into a raised bed. Plant them a good space apart as they grow very large depending on variety. Let these 'arms' trail...
brutally honest - no way could they be bonsaisinvest in a nice one as they are amazing! i love them! they are like mini trees that act6ually...
I have a vegetable patch. I was wondering how i should store some veg?the ones i have that i think are storable are:beetroot (?) parsnips...
I hyave main crops cattwoman. Thanks for the advice it is much appreciated
Do you leave the potato plants to die down before excavating the postatoes????thanks
A great idea i heard a while ago creates an impressive display. If you can, get an old white pot kitchen sink. If not (which is likely) anything...
When we put up the greenhouse earlier this year, we forgot to put the ventealtion window in!!Is it ok if i jeep the door open through the...
I have noticed a distinct lack of bees so far this year. Last year there were loads?any suggestions as to why?
I have cats myself and to stop them going on my smaller onion bed i put long wooden barbeque spears up!! Soon stopped them. And as for them on my...
I dont want to disturb the roots now. Im sure plenty of food and water will be fine! thanks anyways.
I currently have a few foxgloves doing very well in the garden. I was wondering, as they are biennial and flowering at the moment, then will they...
the first with a yellow flower looks like creeping buttercup. Remove it immediately as it spreads like wildfire!!
im not sure. But if u take a small knife and cut a shoot with a nice bit of root attached then it may work. Even just put straight in the ground!!...
anakat has the right ideathat will be best i think, she will love it.
these seem an ecellent idea. Maybe 2 per basket depending on how long you are on holiday...
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