Thank you Upsydaisy for mentioning putting something over the concrete, it should of become obvious thing to do with me mentioning the damp cause...
I cannot offer you anything like these wonderful photo’s seen in your gardens changing colour during the winter months. It makes me sad in a way...
:huh:... That will be me :doh:
I only grew 2 types: Super Marmande and BeefSteak F!, between the two i thought the Super Marmande had more taste and the Beefsteak was more...
My Marmande tomato plants are still here and looking good. I've pinched the tiny ones off but left these one as it just seemed a shame to kill...
By gum - they look so... juicy- I'm on a Keto diet and these will go nicely with my bacon :smile:
Hope I'm not too late ... cannot find the PM to message you ?
LOL - I've been clinging onto my one plant of Super Marmande which has now only one tomato ripening - the rest are small green fifty pence size...
Thank you, will take a look, I have never heard of the twinwall sheet? :smile:
:smile: I thought of using a roll-up heavy duty transparent tarpaulin which can drop down on the front of the cold frame, which will give...
Hi Pete, Yes I looked on-line to give me an idea of what the cost would be, and of cause this would mean getting them delivered. "it all adds up...
I chose 4mm John, thinking that it was the correct thickness as I wanted to drill holes into it to secure to the wood frame + wanted it to be...
There is only one thing to say at this moment and that is “ I’m Stuck! ”I had all my plans worked out for building a cold frame.- The frame...
LOL - would love to see this with a set of photo's :blue thumb:
We use 5L of white vinegar to a cup of salt, been doing this for 5 years on paving, treating it twice a year
@kindredspirit, I thought I had a few (10 in total) - but seeing these wonderful succulents has blown me away. :huh:I planted 5 outside in...
Thank you Garrett
Can anyone offer some advice please...Saving seeds I understand that it isn't worth save seeds from any F1 tomato plants as the taste will be...
Even though I had just 4 tomato plants, it still seems that I have been lucky in only having black aphids on my plants.-is this because mine have...
@ChrisM6 We all know that wasps kill green fly, caterpillars etc. - but it is hard to appreciate their worth, when we get stung! (shudder) :yikes:
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