Like BM I have an area which we have fenced off and have "Slabbed", when I got my first Dobe I told my hubby that I needed a name to use for him...
Hi strongylodon & Liz, I grew "Blackie" for the first time this year and have been very pleased with the results, I bought them as small plants...
This is me at my hubbies 60th in April. I'm on the left and the other person is my Russian friend Marina.Sue [img]
The first one looks like Geum to me, not sure about the other one.Sue
Marg, so sorry to hear that Molly has cancer, she looks so lovely, give her a big hug from me, how old is she?Hope she goes on a bit longer for...
"Busy Bee"[img]Giant Hogweed [img]"Coming into land"[img]
Just looked at all your wonderful moggies Guys, I could give all of them a big hug.I had two cats about 15 years ago, when I split with my...
Rich know what you are going through, at least your Ligularia is looking better than mine.[img]Can't remember what this is supposed to be...
You beat me to it Gardenangel, mine is Florida Sieboldii, I bought this one last year after loosing the previous one, I kept it in the greenhouse...
Hi Guys, thanks for you interest in my "Baby".Jake is getting used to her now, he spent the first night trying to get away from her, she only...
Well done Mum and Waco, were you surprised to have 9? Don't know if I could sell them all, would have to keep one, can't you "Work on" t'other arf?
Correct BM, she is a Russian bloodlineThanks for you comments Elainefiz & Waco, if her parents are anything to go by she will have a fantastic...
We picked Kira up today, she's beautiful, just thought I would share her with the dog lovers among us.[img][img]
Fabulous pond chkm8, I'm sure you will soon get lots of "lodgers" once word gets out.Great looking dogs, how many do you have?My other dog...
Hi BM. How about this, I've got SEVEN[img] :D
Waco & jjordie, know what you mean about the "Docking" personally I would prefer if they were not docked but as they need to see which ones would...
The baby Wrens are just about to fledge I think, been lots of feeding going on all weekend, got this photo last night[img]
Hi BM. yes mine has been flowering for quite a few days now[img]
Here's my 2nd entry Blooming with the Fairies [img]and 3rd Sarah Bernhardt[img]
Waco, I know you must be feeling soooooooooooooo excited, we went to see our new Girl(Kira) yesterday, the first pic is at 2 weeks and the 2nd &...
Separate names with a comma.