what size should the beans be on my suttons ? Just picked some where the pods looked swollen and one had a bit of a brown tinge on it. I want to...
lol I appreciate the help thank you
I think you were bang on I gave them a good soak when I got home and the most the leaves have sprung back to life all ready phew :)
My broadbeans in containers were doing really well and starting to develope nice pods but I tried to be clever and help them out about 3 days ago...
I have two rows of peas kelvedon wonder spaced (30") between rows which looks quite a big spacing I have it covered in netting so I was...
I have a comfrey plant and a bottle of the brew but I was reading it is good for plants with plenty of green like cabbage and lettuces. So not...
Thank you it is a bit of a slog especially in this weather but once it is done it will be a really treat to just turn up and only have to do a bit...
Thank you I was offered a rotavator but didn't want to just churn in that grass. I am slicing the sods off first and heaping up. Once dried...
Well I have been quite busy and with the wifes and daughters help we are making some head way. Also gifted some plants from a neighbour which has...
All ways wanted one have been struggling with pots in the backyard for some time. I thought you had to wait years but one phone call and the next...
Thanks for the replies so general opinion is the seeds are just dormant waiting for the weather then they will be like jack and bean stalk :)
I got a bit too keen and planted some new spuds,broadbeans and lettuce about 3 weeks ago hope the weather would flip across into spring suddenly...
How about cutting the turf off and disposing of it if I take a thick slice would that be viable ? If not roundup it is
Went to have a look today bit smaller than I thought but still a useful size. On quite a steep bank. One big patch covered in bramble which i can...
Well people who have land they don't use or can't for what ever reason let others use it to grow stuff basically http://www.landshare.net/ good...
Just had an email I have been offered some land via landshare about 5 mile up the road. South facing and half an acre in size with some fruit...
Thanks ziggy do you think these are too far gone ?[img] [img] [img]I have got a few more seeds planted in doors but I wasn't sure about...
Hi just recently sowed some seeds and they were flying but now are being eating alive by load of little magot/worm type things under the leaves....
Thank you Alex plan to plant lots more spuds next year but stagger a couple of bags every 2 weeks or so. Really miss them now they have gone
Is there any thing I could plant now in containers ready for a winter harvest ? The new spuds have been a great success so are there any...
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