I, too, suffered demolition of brassicas by caterpillars this year, so taking no chances. I have bought a veg cage with enviromesh, being...
Does anyone like getting to grips with this sort of puzzle? I have 2 here, which I and several friends are struggling with ( not for any gain,...
Good question Loofah! I'm also interested to know, as I've got several batches of seed at different stages. I followed advice to plant seeds and...
Thanks Chas and LMRR - I've got my brassicas in for the winter and also ordered some Phacelia to put in the other half of the plot to prep it for...
Can anyone suggest what I can plant to put goodness back into the soil where I grew potatoes this year? I gather that some plants are useful for...
Not sure I want to get involved with all that 'Bank' stuff. What's the point of it? Why can't we just play the games / activities? What...
I want to plant some apple ( not cooking) and pear trees for next season but there seem to be so many varieties, it's quite confusing. Is it the...
Re: above. I'm a beginner with veg, so I have started this year with just a few things; my veg plot is about 10m square. All my potatoes were...
:thumb:I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who helped me with advice about my potatoes this year. I have just dug them up after the leaves...
What a great expression - 'stumpy spurs' ! :lollol:I shall definitely prune BTB this year.
Love the paintwork! Maybe it'll catch on and gardeners all across the country will be customising their spades and forks to brighten up the...
User Ttiles updateI like the new titles - they're appropriate. Keep it simple: you could go on complicating the system till Doomsday - you're...
The BBC website gives weather radar ( google 'weather radar') which forecasts up to 48hrs accurately (especially useful for density of rainfall)...
Today we've had a huge flock of swallows swooping around and catching insects on the wing as if there were no tomorrow! It all looked a bit...
Thank you all for your advice. I'm new to this, and I didn't think that I'd done anything too damaging, so I found your comments rather harsh,...
What about an architectural 'feature'? Maybe a stone pillar surrounded by shade-tolerant plants?see section in...
I'm sympathetic because I have 2 mature berberis (had 3) which get this every year, although they are not crowded by other plants. I do spray...
I have 2 wisterias - a pale blue one and a white one. Both flowered prolifically in their second year. This year the white one did well in spring...
I've been trying to germinate some bought ( from a reputable online site) seeds of geranium pratense 'Splish-Splash' and dierama 'Blackbird' for...
Hi, Freddy. My neighbour has a lovely box-hedge ( knot-garden style) just the size you've described, and his main stems are about 8 inches apart....
Separate names with a comma.