I was just joking :)
You may certainly make a correction. Thanks for the info :oopss:.Have never taken notice of the gender mention under people's details (rather...
Hi Guys,Have been gardening as a career for 18 months now. Never needed to advertise as too much work keeps flowing in from recommendations.I...
@Sheal... it may be an ideal accompaniment to garnish the strange squashes/pumpkins. Hopefully you'll remember my advice :snork:
Pic 1 - My Dad has some of these donated by a friend who named them perennial sunflowers. They are possibly Sunflower maximiliani.Pic 2 - Looks...
@noisette47 - The leaves look too large to be a typical Cotoneaster... but Cotoneaster lacteus looks very similar to the pics, so you're probaly...
Had a smiliar issue recently, muck in the carb, although Mine's a Hayter, not a Mountfield. Was running like a bag of nails until the carb was...
If the soil is really wet, the scarifier or spring tine rake may do more damage than good as it may tear up grass by its roots, rather just rake...
I personally would push a narrow bamboo cane through the turf, then a finger at various sections of turf (they'll heal over soon enough) to test...
Just pass my advice onto him :)
If there's mushrooms growing, the soil must be rather damp but that's because of the turf needing regular watering, although an hour a day seems a...
@Stiff Lil Green Fingers - you've done a fantastic job.It would be advisable not to mow until after the grass is able to withstand walking on....
Have had a Google on poisonous squashes but yours don't look like the bad types. But there's only one way to find out.Invite someone you...
@fat controller.... LOLThat's indeed a severe infection of Cystisis. Some Ibuprofen may help ease the symptoms.My Dad once had a huge growth...
I've got a book called the Lawn Expert by Dr D. G. Hessayon, which you can buy second-hand on Amazon for under £2.00 + P+P. The later the version,...
Like @JWK confirmed, it should be suitable for most types of grass.If it is a deep layer of topsoil, I would recommend rolling it before...
@Sam Laycock - Fine lawns are magnificent but a lot higher maintenance than utility grade lawns. Any weed grasses that appear look very unsightly...
I definitely don't dig them, but do dig them....paradoxically speaking :)I delicately hand fork them out but if the soil's too wet or dry, chase...
@ScrungeeMaybe the driver was unlucky and landed on a Firethorn (Pyracantha)!
Lol... like the pun :snork:I'm rather violent towards violets... at least the wild type (Viola odorata) that orchestrate a magnificent symphony...
Separate names with a comma.