Apart from a very occasional shower, the land around here near East coast is unseasonably dry with no frosts for many weeks. In fields, there are...
Looking forward to this challege :dbgrtmb:Have got some Marris Pipers and red Desiree seed tatties going spare. Not sure which one to go for.......
As @Marley Farley mentioned - they are incredibly vigorous growing. When well established, they send loads of shoots from the roots and rapidly...
Scurvy grass!..... thanks to ye Cap'n! :dbgrtmb:Aye.... live near the high seas but argggh a landlubber :smile:
The manual mentions removing the spark plug lead so if you can pull or gently prise the lead cap off, the spark plug should be accessible. The...
Had a look at the manual and see exactly what you mean. There's a metal case at the front and a plastic pull-cord assemsbly on top of the engine...
Sandelions :snorky:. Love or hate 'em, gotta admire their adapability.[IMG]No idea, maybe a form of Marsh marigold? Was spotted on edge of a...
Privets are a walk in the park to remove compared to many other hedges.If you intend to do the deed, cut the main trunk and side stems back to...
@fat controller - great idea! :dbgrtmb:With those nozzles you can adjust the flow over individual plants, removing the trial and error of...
A Ceoanothus can grow to the height of a small/medium(ish) sized tree and they don't cope well with major pruning (just for info... learned this...
Soaker hoses suspended from the greenhouse ceiling are brilliant. If you drill tiny holes in a normal hose pipe, can't see why it wouldn't work.
A great way of finding ideas is to sign up to Pinterest (costs nothing) and search through the gardening categories.Many of them are from other...
Blow aways certainly live up to their name :frown:From personal experience, the tomatoes didn't grow a well as the ones (same varieties) planted...
It looks like a beauty of a Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris).There are all kinds of regulations regarding TPOs and only your local authority can...
@ScrungeeYour homebrew produces 1000kg of methane per glass after ingestion. The release of posterior emissions leaves a carbon footprint that...
The Yarrow and common Knapweed have got off to an early start in your parts :smile:
@Scrungee - it sounds like the builders have been reckless beyond comprehension and now they're paying the price.The red shoots should've made...
Two more than strawberries :snork:.A couple of customers who are inflicted with this brute had said they thought they were strawberry plants at...
@GjclaytonIf you're clearing the garden (and want to keep it clear) I'd remove them all unless any strike you as being attractive. Pic1...
@David E Peacock - that's a stunning piece of hedgework and the plants really bring some magic to your work. Hat off to you, Sir :love30:With...
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