Connamon, what to fill the bed with would be more of a concern in many ways. Plenty of 'Garden Soil' 40 lb bags sold here are very suspect, they...
jenny, our watermelons are excellent - this is prime watermelon country. WalMart had 20 - 30 pound melons for $5 the other week! And they were...
Hi, Zigs - not seen you around in a wile, do you have videos of your garden?[MEDIA]
[IMG]That land - what is my lawn, and the land on the other side of my house is the wetlands in question. Wetlands are not necessarily wet...
A fun morning - I was at a biggish event where the Governor spoke - and many big people - and was surprised how many people I knew there - and...
A thing about scaffolding boards - they are a glued laminated board not intended for ground contact or food production. You will not know if some...
I would certainly not use railway sleepers with creosote, and I would not use plastic recycled fake timbers because all sorts of toxins may be in...
So computers! We need an Otway to write fully scorning verse on them! Imagine the little snide jabs Shakespeare could have dropped into his...
Sheal how about that very British way of getting the harvest, internet grocery shopping? We do not have it here. This is our local supermarket....
Well, what is going on in the garden.... plenty of flowers - all the very late planted, and very cheap, gladiolas bulbs have lovely flowers on...
White pudding, kippers on the bone, finnan haddie, game pie, pig trotters, tripe, whitebait, and greengage plums.When ever I am back in London...
Well it all continues as a bit of a blood bath here - now there are only 7 chicks - actually I have not been out today, but 7 last evening. The...
Squash would include butternut, courgetts, marrows, acorn.......I have grown or caught, and then eaten, 27 of the list; the rest I have just...
Ah. well - I best not go in the direction of what the world needs or I will be banned quickly. PC madness is now the state religion and the...
Yes, in the morning light they were visible - downstairs she had clipped them onto the back of a wrought iron chair (her keys have a clip on them)...
So how about you? Naturally I have nailed that list, as any person would if they were sentient...but what about odd (not weird) stuff you could...
Wild stuff here:LEFT ON THE PLATE: 40 FOODS BRITONS ARE UNLIKELY TO HAVE TRIED 1. Oysters 2. Anchovies 3. Goose 4. Lobster 5. Scallops 6....
So a bad night - coming home from going to a city function my wife discovered she could not find her truck keys (she drives a forty foot truck)...
It does not bother me much - I know every fruit I grow except the Kioa will fail though. If you want to live in a place where you have otters in...
I had plans for making ketchup and canning some tomatoes, ketchup is kind of tomato jam but without the jelling.And then the creatures came out...
Separate names with a comma.