What do you agree with Zigs? The no talk of Henry the Navigator, the neap tides, or used tires? Or the custard? I just thought I need to make a...
Well; I will resist giving a lecture on the Cod Wars, as I have on Prince Hennery the Navigator, and new world conquest of the maddest kind, and...
That is right, the Cod Wars - an amazing story, shook the world to the core yet is virtually unknown. It is a story well worth going into -...
Yesterday was an notable thing - the temperatures have been the 85F - 75F (29C - 24C) for the last month - hot before that, and then yesterday was...
Fried okra are the main side dish here - at any place that sells fried chicken. Here in The South there are loads of gas stations where hot food...
So lashing rain this morning and my wife wanted to drive my truck to work, she leaves just as the sky is starting dawn light, but its battery was...
So an odd trip. Very pleasant and all, but after tying up, throwing out my shrimp bait, giving it a short wait, I cast, and then retrieving my new...
Well, dashing off but thought a quick poem by Sultin Suliman The Magnificent would be just the parting shotVeiled in airy webs, bespangled with...
So we popped out yesterday evening to net some shrimp in the boat - first catching loads of jellyfish and few shrimp - and then I did something...
So I have tentatively invited my mail-man (post man) to go out shrimping tomorrow when he finishes his route at 2 p.m. He does throw a net but is...
What a lovely day it is outside and inside I continue my tax madness with a letter from the Mississippi Department of Revenue which goes.............
I realized how bad this sounds on re-reading. England is a shock to visit the way it shows how socially and culturally bland town life is here. I...
Well, let that be a lesson on mortality when I can't even keep that straight.. Genesis.. 3:19 ("...for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou...
I am pulled different ways today, go back out shrimping - I do love it, still very warm but nights cooling off till air conditioning is not needed...
Jane, Can you give me your recipe for chutney, or tell me how it is. I need to make some, it is not really available in the shops here.I finally...
I am up at 6:30 a.m. right now, back from walking the dog pack.And I have just managed to lose most of what I wrote here - talking of hunting...
Hi, Jane - tell us what you are making. That actually looks a bit like the pepper gumbo soup I make most days (I make just a two serving batch...
Zigs - tell us about drying fish! I have bought salt cod many times. I lived and worked with Jamaican men for years and salt cod is a traditional...
I love the sea, it is in my blood - I have spent so much time on it, it just calls to me. And nights for outdoor pursuits is so much better than...
I know. I have thought long about housing in England, my parents live in London - and I spent my teen years hunting and fishing in London - I knew...
Separate names with a comma.