Well done, must go and check mine that I put behind the shed a year ago :)
I got a quote last year it came in at £4600 for a borehole lined with a pump Ouch
To be honest I didn't do anything special, when i planted it out last year it just grew loads of little shoots out of the arched stems, I just...
When I planted it last year it grew loads of little 'plantlets' out of the stems they knocked off very easily and I just picked them off and...
Well, i never knew that !! You learn something everyday:)
I took cuttings last year which I have overwintered in the polytunnel no problem, they are about 9 inches high so will take your advice and stick...
Thanks Liz, am going to the greenhouse not to rescue them out of the propagator :)
There's really no telling which will die and which will survive, make sure you have a good selection of cuttings taken in the sumer autumn to...
I planted a Pride of Madeira last year, did post on a thread but cat find it. It grew to over 4 ft across and was very healthy but it didnt...
I am looking for a bit of advice here. Last year I bought three special delphiniums, they were very expensive, (well they were for me anyways)....
Pity you could have boxed up a few and sent them my way, lol. I had them in a previous garden and like you say they were very nice in late summer...
Do the ginger roots you get in supermarkets grow into nice plants like that ?? Mrs Chopper
And tuesday came and we sat in the sun in our t shirts, dont ya just love weatherforcasting :)
eew gross, thought you needed three stomaches to do that?
Too bright, too soon, rain before noon. Oh and there's the cow standing up , sitting down one, but I can never remember whether its sitting down...
Thanks for that :) Will keep an eye on them.
Last year I mananged to germinate about twenty hosta seeds and although several of them were pretty boring green strappy leaves, there were at...
A lot of our geraniums and petunias were still in flower until a few weeks ago when a couple of nights of - 10 degrees scuppered their efforts, I...
Have to say that doesnt look like a fungi at all , lol. looks more like that stuff builders use when they cant be bothered to fill the cracks with...
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