We have achieved a 25% survival rate on the begonias we recieved, not great as many were in very poor condition on arrival. The geraniums faired...
Today it rain, I measured 1.5 inches (measured in a nearly straight sided bucket so might be a fraction less) in about an hour at the end of the...
It's raining here:loll:
About £20 - £40 a sq mt. You get what you pay for and if you don't want it to look fake then it will be the higher end of the price range. Pro's...
I could indeed and do when I have the time, it's a long way from the bath to the polytunnel :loll: [IMG] Mrs Chopper
Try this link toni I think these might be your culprit.Root Eating Insects: Identifying Vegetable Root Maggots And Root Maggot Control They...
I'm dreading my water bill... :help: but I have stopped taking bath's :D to compensate, I'm a but smelly but the plants are alive. Mrs Chopper
Greenfly seem to be exploding this year!! I went out and collected abought 200 ladybird larvea and released them into the polytunnel, they munched...
That's your potatoe!!
Just don't spray your strawberries with it :heehee:
Might be tricky as I didn't do a before and now it's after, and there's no way I'm putting it all back!! Mrs C :heehee:
I think you are right, mine is just coming into flower now, everything seems to be really early and all coming at once here. I think number 2...
I read this today on Yahoo, an article about the facebook founder, Zuckerberg, who seems to be a little confused as to the meaning of...
I'm hoping now its broken up a bit the rain , if we ever get any will soak in instead of running off. But the pick axe is definately living in the...
I have been creating a new border over the last two days.. the ground is clay and had set rock solid with the dry weather. I meant to do it in the...
I think No 3 may be a spindle tree(Euonymus europaeus). bright pink casings with orange seed ??
Thanks for the ideas, I have been using washing up liquid but though it seems to kill the bugs it touches its hard to treat so many plants...
I went on a bug hunt yesterday and found one adult, that bugfully munched it's way through dozens of the little green devils before fallen asleep...
I'm really struggling with greenfly, last year there were LOADS of ladybirds and I encouraged them to overwinter in the tunnel, but they don't...
my rabbit fenceSeems to work ok, occasional bayy squishes in somewhere but mostly protected. [IMG]
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