Goody Liquorice Allsort :heehee: Mrs Chopper
There are still loads down here. They nest every year under the eaves of the house over the road. :) Mrs Chopper
The twenty melons that germinated from a supermarket melon are going down the plot in a few weeks. The promised hot summer may produce a bumper...
About £400 on seeds and plants and compost and pots ect, but I already made £480 on selling plants off the doorstep so in effect nothing :) Mrs...
Sorry yes I meant May :o Loads of house martins and swallows just no cuckoos, not that I'm that bothered as they are fairly anti social birds,...
OOOHH !! must get some!! :heehee: Mrs Chopper
I found this too, I planted seed bought from a seed company, ( very expensive as I recall) and a load of seed out of a tesco red pepper, NONE of...
I don't know whether it is just in my area (somerset) or has anyone else not heard cuckoo,s this year? We are well into March now and I haven,t...
I don't think the second is a native wild cuckoo pint, Cuckoo pint has a purple stamen thingy and its leaves are not heavily variated like the one...
At last !!! Rain the first for weeks and weeks, up til yesterday the storms kept missing us, but it finally rained buckets last night. You could...
I know just how you feel Sheal. I struggle with all the technology. Seems like every day there is a new "Must have" gadget. They leave me cold or...
Hi Lisa I know from your other posts that you are a mad keen new allotment holder. Congratulations on finally getting a plot. Couple of...
Hi Clueless Before you throw your £300 at the garden, I would get yourself a cuppa and just sit in the garden for a while and have a good think...
Is cornflower perennial ??
Guess I'll have to clutter up the window sills again :DOH:it definately gets to 35 plus in the tunnel even with all the vents open. Keeping them...
In february and march I had no problem get seeds to germinate, in fact they seemed to throw themselves out of the compost amazingly fast, but in...
Thanks Marley Thing is, I should not have to start a ruck with a company just to buy the products I want to buy. This little spat has caused me...
Mrs Chopper says... in a small voice .... hope they stop sending begonias... 800 is more than enough, anyone want a begonia or two?:help:
Definately take it back mines half way up the shed and has little clusters that look like tiny bunches of grapes all over it !!! Might actually...
While I was very busy at my clubs annual custom show and party, Mrs Chopper was running backwards and forwards looking after me and my club...
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