i now have the parcel hooray will have a good sort through (and a google) and let you know when i post it on loopy
i hear its arrived on my lane but wrong address so i am waiting for them to come home - now they know where it belongs loopy
not here yet loopy
so true - i love my lottie too loopy
lovely detail on the brickwork loopy
i now have init sisters address and the parcel has not arrived here yet so i will send to init sister after me loopy
hee hee hee thank you, made me giggle loopy
what a brilliant shot!!!lovelyloopy
plant it in a pot? hmm how big a pot? loopy
clematis has sent me a pm so i now have the address ready - thanks clematis oooh its exciting loopy
still no reply from init sister so i will pm clematis loopy
the parcel will be with stave soon and i will be next - exciting i still havent had a reply from init sister so if i dont hear from her soon i...
well i was running around at 2.30am - had to take my daughter to a&e with an allergic reaction shes home and ok now but was a real dash and dem...
you can also make planting tubes with newspaper get a sheet of folded over paper, wrap it round a loo roll tube then tuck in the end paper....
is it chestnut of some sort? loopy
probs less than 12 inches - dependent on variety and i stake mine to stop them flopping over thay are very yummy when they are so fresh so deff...
what about lambs ears - dont know the proper name loopy
looks like a dicentra spectabilis to me!! but i would hold off til the more experienced have had a peep at it loopy
morning all well, the rain came down here yesterday so no gardening but i did go to the pub and thoroughtly enjoyed england beating australia...
http://www1.uk.shopping.com/-wheelie+bin+stickers looks like this might be what you are looking for - good price but need to check p&p look at...
Separate names with a comma.