Hi, I was sorting the mother in law's garden yesterday and she had a chimney pot with some pointy leaves in it, almost pampas like but not at all...
Hi, Mother in law wants me to buy her one of these as she's seen them on the TV. She's 74 and struggles to get up and down so thinks it would be...
I'd second the californian lilac, my fave shrub is salvia hotlips, not evergreen but very bright with masses of flowers.Cheers D
Hi, When is the best time to take cuttings? I would like to try my salvia "hotlips" and lavender munsted.Thanks D
Hi, Should I dead head my peony or let the seed heads develop? (It's the smaller once flowering kind, not the tree type)Thanks David
Hi, I love acers in tubs, loads to choose from to get best colour and shape. However if flowers are important how about a rhodedendron,...
At least I got the Red Dwarf reference Zig :-)
I've never used a big bag of autoglym as a paramedic. Would bring the stretcher up a treat though. Give us something to do on standby other than...
Be thinking of winter too. Mine were decimated by the cold. One completely died back to bottom of main stem, now 2new shoots. The other had one...
Hi, got a small green leaved acers at wilkos yesterday for £2.38. Wife complaining as she knows I'll now spend 10 times that on a nice pot for it....
Hi, So do I leave things alone or do I need to do any selective shoot reduction?Thanks David
Yep that looks like the one. Thought it was a weed, now I'll look after it better.Thanks D
Hi, well my rose is now sprouting nicely from the bare root plant. Do I keep all the shoots or do I need to do any selective pinching or...
Hi, I posted in march with the message below"During spring sort out I decided it would be esier to care for things if I knew what they were....
Nice tip andy. If you stroke it it grows and stiffens. Hmmm...D
Yeay, rain in yorkshire dust bowl! Water buts now a quarter full.:-) D
Hi esdel, Mine sound just like yours. I've never grown them before either. I've put them in 4"pots so they have room and put them in unheated...
Hi, I've been looking online and found some cracking varieties of aubrieta that claim to have longer flowering times. They seem to be on US...
Hi, last year I put bedders out too early and covered them with bubble wrap but didn't stop the verbena getting burned. would fleece be better?...
Rocket is great! Planted some 2 years ago and we pick it to add to othet salad leaves. They should be peppery tasting, not bitter.Each to...
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